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I tried to, but he walks off when I'm within 10 metres of him and he ignores me on facebook:(

Message him saying "We need to talk" or just be blunt about it, get straight to the point tell him what's what and ask him whatever you want (Owen)

I fell for my best guy friend then he found out and he started completely ignoring me, why?:(

Maybe he just didn't want anything serious with you, but if you're that worried, talk to him about it, most problems can be solved with just talking to the person about what's going on (Owen)

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Nawh I just read what you guys said about our advice page, really made me smile and be proud so thank you :') so sweet :') and I'd like to say your page is pretty amazing too, you help so many people :D And Owen, I'm so glad that I could help you before it was no problem at all! (Aimee<3)

Thanks Aimee :) Don't stop doing what you guys are doing you're amazing at it :) (Owen)

Thanks. But unless you know what ive been through don't even say anything ~paige.

I don't need to know what you've been through Paige just like you don't need to know what I've been through or the other admins what they've been through I got asked what my opinion on the page is and thats what i did, I also did the people that are administrating the page, what I wrote is how i feel and what my opinions are, and nobody can what i think. Frankly it's up to you whether you agree with what I put or disagree with what I wrote. I just want you to realise what you do and how you actually help people, because you do an amazing job at it. Better job than i do trust me. You're amazing Paige (Owen)

(B) What is your opinion on the page "AdviceOnLife4U"

I think they're amazing at what they do and they have actually helped me so much in the past x (Bry)

(P) What is your opinion on the page "AdviceOnLife4U"

They are all amazing and insperational people. Many thanks to Grace and Paige for helping me with my past. They're all wonderful with their advice and do not deserve the hate they get.

(O) What is your opinion on the page "AdviceOnLife4U"

We're actually subscribed to them on here! :) So I see practically everything that goes on everyday with them, first I'll start off by saying that they dedicate a lot or time helping the people the need their help (they even helped me with one or two of my problems) and they don't really deserve the shit (excuse my language) that they receive by the public. From what i can tell, Amiee, Paige and Sally are kinda like the ultimate admins on this page they're mostly online and they're helping the most people (I'm not saying Grace and Kira aren't doing the same I'm sure they're fantastical admins too) but I read when everything was kicking off yesterday and honestly, so what if Paige is 12 when i was 12 i was already going through my "past" and because Paige is 12 i guess that she is in year 8 at school? If that's right then that was the time i actually started to self harm. So we all go through different issues at different times age should not be something that makes people under-qualified to do what they do, Paige is amazing at helping people (Pippa will agree with that because Paige helped her issues) so just ease up with what you say to Paige, even jokes can lead to bad things happening. Amiee helped me when i was down about something, I'm not sure whether she will actually remember what she helped me with a little problem of mine where i was thinking that i was a bad boyfriend to my girl and what i actually said was "I don't speak out much but if anybody could help me that would be grand. Okay I'm in a relationship but my girl is depressed a lot, I try my hardest to make her happy but it doesn't work and makes me feel like a bad boyfriend what more can i do i love her so much i cant afford to lose her by being bad" And then she told me that i was anything but a bad boyfriend and what she said actually meant something to me, I never said thanks for that so I'll say it now, thanks Amiee :). Sally, I always see your video replies on my home page and I always listen to them, not because I'm insane and i love seeing your face but because what you say to the people that need your help is pretty inspirational don't stop doing what you're doing you're great at it! :) Kira, this isn't going to be as long as the others but I love the fact that if anybody was to try and insult you in anyway like the other day when someone called you stuck up and it didn't affect you whatsoever you pretty much just laughed at it but when someone actually needs your advice you care about them, yeah you may not be as caring at the other 4 members but you do help people a lot :). Grace, I rarely see you online that much anymore but when you were online (before i administrated this page) you actually did an amazing job at helping people despite what their problems were I know you're the boss of this page, because it says so and i tried to apply for an admin spot once but honestly, you've found yourself an amazing team of advisory guru's and you're advice goes a long way. (O)

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Owen, you're a guy. Can you tell me why guys play with me then just drop me like rubbish?:(

Because guys are complete arseholes and if guys keep doing this to then you're falling for the wrong type of people. Instead of going for a guy who's attractive to you go for a guy that is like a best friend to you, one with am amazing personality and one that makes you smile and laugh like crazy (Owen)

I don't know what the hell kik is aha! And im not from the UK

Kik is an instant messaging app on smart phones. Ok well I can give you my personal Facebook and you can message me?

Do you guys have like a facebook page there we can talk about our problems private?x

No but you can talk to me on kik or text me if you want? (Bry)

I followed you hope you will help me with something! :) well i have a question, there is this boy that i like and we are quite close, we hug, have laughs...ect. but i don't want to be first person to ask him out and make it really awkward, but i don't think that he will make first step!Whatshallido?

I can help you with anything! :) first of all i admire that you're not anon well done most people are anonymous. Okay my best advice that i can give to you is just to ask him how he feels about you, or tell him how you feel about him. These situations can easily be dealt with, all you need to do is talk to him, if you don't get the answer you hoped for then what are you really going to lose? If he doesn't like you back then it won't be awkward because if you two aren't "love birds" then you seem like really close friends (Owen)
Liked by: Эvelina*

Right, I have to sleep. Will be on at 6:15 to answer questions. Owen is on slow replies so yeah; if you want me specifically put a (P) in your question, thankss guysss! Sweet dreams:3 night:-)<3 (Pippa<3)

:* <3

I have tried to get their attention but my brother is the main attraction in the family, so my distraction dont really work:// What's the butterfly challenge?x

Again, I know that feeling. I have a special needs sister, so she gets all the attention. But you are still loved! Also, instead of cutting; you write/draw your emotions, you can sing or dance if you wanted to. Just a way of getting your emotions out without hurting yourself x

right, im 13 years old and ive already tried to kill myself 28 times. I have hardly any friends and my family hate me.. The cutting started when i was about to turn twelve and has become a routine ever since. My parents neglect me, its like they're oblivious to my existence. Help me:(

I'm 13 too, and I know what you're feeling. I used to feel the same! But have you tried getting involved? Like getting their attention? Your family don't hate you sweetie! Have you tried the butterfly challenge?xxx

My sister and my mum are always arguing and recently its got really bad. I just can't cope with it anymore. I don't know what to do. It makes me so upset and angry and I have this urge to start cutting. Help me :(

Try the butterfly challenge instead of cutting. But about your sister and mum, have you tried talking to them to see what's been bothering them? Maybe its something happening in their individual lives that they feel the need to take out somehow and that might be shouting? x


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