
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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i know we dont speak much, but looking at the abuse that you get on here is disgusting! people know what your going through and what you've done, but by the things their sayin to bring you down they dont realise what they're doing to you. you get abuse for helping people which i find personally sick

tonichaxo’s Profile Phototonicha harlow

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did you know channing self harms? how ridiculous, all self harmers are just attention seeking, sent to all follwing.

Lolololol y u so funni

Admire you. some people admire and look up to parents or siblings. I don't Have parents to look up to but I look up to you even though I'm just a stranger to you. thanks for being an inspiration for me. Appreciate it a lot x

Aw ily ily ily

I hate this town its so washed up and all my friends dont give a fuck now tell me that its just bad luck , when will i find where i fit in.....


How did you come to the confusion you and Demi loveto had the same chin rofl

I love her and someone looked her up and then saw we had the same chin and said we looked alike and I had a mini fit like WHAT and then they were like you even have the same chin and yeah c':

I love you, you are the reason I am still here, think about that..You have saved a life! You have a heart of gold and are truly inspirational, you are the perfect person! I am so pleased I have you in my life! I love you

I love you too stay strong <3

Never say that, never, I wish that you would wake up, and you are going to. I would...I don't even want to think about what you would do if you never woke up. Don't think like that. It doesn't matter if there was just me or a million friends. No body wants you gone, especially me.

I do:(, pop up please?

dont you get really insecure about your chin? i bite my lip 24/7 to hide it, even if im on my own, and I always edit it out my pictures haha:(

I used to be really I used to hate it but when I found out it was the same as Demi lovato my confidence went up because I love her so much and she's my idol and my definition of perfect and yeah:)

G'night beautiful, go to bed with a smile, and you'll wake up with one, I promise.

I can't go to sleep with a smile on my face unless I'm hoping that I don't wake up again.

Made me feel so happy to know that I made you smile, I will try this everyday for as long as I know you. And one day, I hope I can make that smile stay on your face, forever.

You are adorable!


Language: English