
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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You depressing, emo bitch! Pathetic! How does you bf not see this, freak

I am not an emo, and I'm sorry I'm depressed. I've told him many times he can do better and he should have better, but he's chosen to be with me, got a problem come off anon and don't hide like a coward.

Haha it's stephen, but I'm guessing you haven't been getting my texts again-___-? AND I was gonna message you on tumblr asking if you were getting them, but well that kind of went to pot! But yeah hey:')

I thought it was you c:
Aw oopsies >.<
Oh I got mugged so I don't have a phone, inbox me or something. c:

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

Wait, you're asking if I want to have dinner with a dead corpse..wot

That's super gay marn! And 1000 that's well loads:O proper jel

I know! Aha, who is this btw? And aw, I would have given you a promo! C:

where's your tumblr gone?! :((((

omfg I don't know, I'm like crying I don't know what's happened, I hit daily post limit and BAM it signed me out and I'm no longer allowed on it ._.

What music do you like?

Are you sure you're ready for this, oh my. Uhrm my music varies, I love You Me At Six, Paramore, Thirty Seconds To Mars, Taylor Swift, Guns n Roses, Skirllex, Slipknot, Panic at the disco, etc etc etc


Language: English