
Ziqing Wong

Ask @ZQlullaby

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Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

I don't know.. It kinda depends? And as long as their are being treated well, fed and loved in the zoo, i think it's okay?

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What are your priorities right now?

Actually i don't know. Maybe studies? But the thing is i'm lazy. HAHAHA! Other priorities should be being happy and making others happy?

Are cats or dogs smarter?

Some dogs are smarter than cats, some cats are smarter than dog. So upon averaging them, both cats and dogs are smart. Make sense?

Describe syimah! Hehe

A funny, smart, playful, friendly, cheerful (cause it seems like you are always smiling in class) and caring girl! And someone who is so in love with lama! You can be serious such that when people took your shoe, you don't even gives a fuck and just continue with your own things. HAHAHAHA!
Liked by: Syima


An idiot who is being such an ass all of the time. I swear everytime when talking to him, he is super ultra damn lame, sometimes kind of haolian ah, need to maintain. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And a party animal i guess? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!
Liked by: 牂仔~~~

describe najlah

She's a crazy bitch! She can disturb you forever if her laptop is not with her hahaha!

What do you have to say to chloe

I love you baby, though sometimes you tao nao pai HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

What color is hatred?

Red is the first colour that comes to mind, but after that, i think that greyish black is more suitable to represent hatred.


Language: English