
Ziqing Wong

Ask @ZQlullaby

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Which breed of dog are you uh bitch? ;)

Confirm weifeng already lah you! HAAHA! I'm the human breed kind of bitch ;)

Do you think its okay for guys to wear pink?

Yeaaaa, of course! I think boys who wear pink are hot! Esp hot pink ;)

What do you prefer: walking or riding a bike?

Walking? I used to love riding a bike, but i don't know what happened that make me kind of dislike riding a bike........

Are you good at drawing?

Ermmm I don't know leh. But i think sometimes i draw until quite nice, sometimes no. hahaha!

What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?

OMG a lot! Paris, New York, Hong Kong, Taiwan and many others!!

Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

I don't want to be stuck in an elevator.... But if no choice, errr.. Hot guys will do HAHAHAHA!

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

Something that will automatically send me to school everyday and send my laptop home when I'm going elsewhere!

What do you do when you cannot sleep at night?

I'll either sit on my couch or lie on my bed, stare in the space and think about things.

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Slowly doing one thing without any other thoughts on my mind, just doing that one thing at my own pace without stressing.

What is something you wish you were better at?

There are a lot of things I wish I am better at.... One of them is that I wish I am more extrovert, more spontaneous.

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

Withdraw myself...................................

Do you regret anything?

Yes? I think there are quite a lot of things i regretted but well, no point thinking about it?

What made you happy today?

Many things made me happy today! All the surprises i got from my besties had made my day. It may not be perfect to others, but to me, i think that they are perfect. All those effort they had put in, i feel it and i am really happy! :D


Language: English