
Christian Davin Ramadhan

Legendary film and theater director Mike Nichols has passed away leaving behind an incredibly impressive body of work. What are your top 3 films by Nichols?

Omg seriously? RIP :( ugh i love closer, charlie wilson's war and the garduate :(

Latest answers from Christian Davin Ramadhan

Lagu yang bikin terenyuh?

Untuk sekarang jujur gue lagi terenyuh bgt sama terlalu mencinta, walaupun mainstream tp emang lagunya bagus banget :')

Mustahil untuk jatuh cinta tanpa menyakiti hati orang lain. Sadar ataupun tidak, ketika seseorang jatuh cinta, akan ada orang lain yng terluka.

My first love is my parents, i fall in love with them, how could that hurts someone else?

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