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Ask @amycrozzerz

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Suck or fuck? Fast or slow? Condom or bareback? Lights on or off? Bra size? Favorite type of underwear? Describe your bra and underwear? Loud or quiet? Ever tried anal? Ever watched porn? Do you masturbate? Do you pee before sex, during or after?

I answered this yesterday lol

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Suck or fuck? Fast or slow? Condom or bareback? Lights on or off? Bra size? Favorite type of panties? Describe your bra and panties? Loud or quiet? Ever tried anal? Ever watched porn? Do you masturbate?

NO lol I'm not answering this hahhahaha

Need any help on suicide/self-harm/relationships/friends/family/sexuality anything,We're here to help you and give you advice:) anonymous/non-anonymous. Take a look at our page,you may find some advice useful:-)

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Hahah thank's but I'm okay:-)

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

Nothing? talking to my self's abit weird, I only mumble to my self:))))

why would you ojnly write two?x

Because I have my 2 main bestfriend's which I tell everything then my close bestfriend's x


Language: English