
I Care

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I still really like this guy, I literally can't get over him:( what do i do?

Get over him. He's not even worth it. He is not worth your time or your tears. Yeah, you loved him, I know that. And I know you just can't see yourself with anyone other than him, I get that. I've been there. But why should you spend all your time sitting at home, bawling your eyes out and wondering where he is and who he is with. Do you honestly think he is thinking about you? No. Sure it hurts, the fact that he is out there falling in and out of love with other girls. Yeah you're going to see him with one of his new girlfriends. Prepare yourself, cause straight up, it's going to hurt. He will hold her a little closer and squeeze her hand a little tighter just because he knows you're watching. He knows its killing you, that's why he will do it. Don't let him get to you because that, well that's exactly what he wants. Don't give him what he wants. He doesn't even deserve it. So what if he doesn't talk to you, do you honestly want to be friends with a dick like him anyway? Thing is I know you still do. But give it time. Because all he would do is talk about his new girlfriend and just try and make you jealous, do you really want to hear that? No. Stuff him and his girlfriend. He will be sorry. Trust me. When he finally sees you with some other guy who's not him. With that huge grin on your face and your boyfriend holding you close, he will realise how happy you are now. And how happy your boyfriend is because he has you, the girl of his dreams. He will realise the huge mistake he made when he let you go, when he decided to choose her over you. When he decided he just did not love you the same. Trust me, he will be sorry. And don't you sit there thinking he won't be sorry I know you are. But I guarantee you now. He will be sorry. So don't go on spending your nights waiting for that one phone call you know your never gonna get. Or that text you know he will never send you simply because he likes to ignore you. He likes to pretend he doesn't see you online, he does it out of spite just because he knows it's killing you. When he walks past you in the hallways he is going to look past you, but you need to know he will do that because he knows somewhere inside you, it will hurt. I'm not going to lie to you. It will hurt. It'll hurt alot. But it will hurt even more when you see her name and how much he loves her in his profile. It's all going to hurt. And you know what, today, tomorrow, next week, months from now, your phone will go off with a text message, you will instantly grab your phone hoping its him saying he wants to give your relationship another shot. But you know what you're going to do? Your going to hold your head up, show him you're better than him and you don't need him in your life. You're going to prove to him that he made the biggest mistake of his life letting you go and that you never really needed him anyway.

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I used to be bestfriends with this boy and now that we're not friends all my "friends" are basically bumming off him and I hate it and I miss him so much, what do i do?

you need to tell you friends! if they say things like i dont like him in that way or whatever they are obviously lying! if they keep doing it then they arent true friends, which is horrible i know but you need to find friends who dont do that kind of thing, chicks before dicks! or talk to the boy! he probably hates him himself and probably misses you so you need to talk to someone! hope this helps xxx
Liked by: naina. emss franny

http://arushi-cas.tumblr.com/image/50159295658 ok here's the link to my problem please read it tell me what to do? thank you soo much :) <3

i think its really good of you to have talked to her about it even though you feel like you're being ignored. i think you need to say something to the boy, even though he sounds like an idiot if he knows how much hes upset her maybe he could say something to her and she might feel like more people care about her? if you dont really want to do that maybe you could tell her parents. dont sound like a snitch when doing it but just let them know you're worried about her they could be completely clueless about everything that has been going on for all you know! they deserve to know but tell them how youd appreciate it if they didnt say they heard it from you so then it wont affect your relationship with her! or maybe suggest to your friend that she needs to go to the doctors they can give out anti-depressant tablets etc which may help! hope ive helped xxx

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Liked by: Nayel franny Arushi

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I've got a boyfriend but he's moving away soon and he asked to finger me and for me to give him head...should I do it? I'm 14 and I want to do it but if people find out they will slag me off, please help me x

Sorry I haven't replied sooner...it shouldnt matter if people will slag you off or not if you want to then you should! I'm not encouraging it but if you think its the right thing to do then I don't see why not :) xxx

How do u make a guy fall in love with u?

i dont really think you can. if its not meant to be then theres no point trying too hard to make it happen! if youre just trying to impress a guy then maybe do your hair differently and wear a little perfume and put a bit of mascara on or something depending on how old you are. just be yourself though, dont change for anyone xxx
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why are my boobs pointy, im 14 will they get more rounder as i grow up?

yes, you havent finished puberty yet, they will do even if they dont grow very much from now. its nothing to worry about trust me xx

I used to love a girl for over 4 years, but she didn't accept me. I don't know what to do, then I moved into the US to study, and If I see the picture or something of her, I always miss her so much. What is the good way ? , I can I have another girlfriend, I can love her. But I am scary to miss her.

You just need to forget about her, meet new people go to different parties etc, it sounds harder than it really is! Honestly you'll soon just naturally find someone else:') hope this helps xx

I still have feelings for my ex.....

you either need to tell them exactly how you feel even if you think they have moved on. or if he treated you badly or you know he lied or whatever you need to forget about them! the chances are you can do so much better, hope this helps xx
Liked by: Nayel franny

I really like this lad and we used to be bestfriends and now he hates me and I don't know what to do because I feel like he's messing me about cos last week he text me telling me he missed me and now he doesn't even talk to me. I miss him so much and I can't just let go of everything, what do I do?

right this might be harsh but you need to know, i think hes just desperate. i think he wants to be with someone, anyone so hes just messing you about. you need to tell him how you feel, hes not a mind reader! hell seem like the idiot even if he says something harsh back, trust me! or you just need to try and forget about him and move on, talk to new people almost have a fresh start. hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Nayel franny

I really like this guy and we've been talking a lot and then all of a sudden he stopped talking to me. After a month or two we started talking again and hes been flirting and complimenting me. We hung out and stuff and i realized i still do like him a lot. But i heard that he asked another girl out

Hey really sorry I haven't replied sooner I haven't been on here in ages! Hopefully things have got better since this...he sounds like a bit of a player and even if you feel like you love him when you meet someone new you will realise that maybe he was actually a big of an idiot!! Hope this helps but if you want to talk further just ask another question xxx

Broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. We was together for over a year and he just suddenly stopped loving me. Madly In love with him still and all he does it throw it in my face:( memories and flashbacks always pop up in my head and it's really upsetting. Help:(

Hey really sorry I haven't replied sooner I haven't been on here in a while...hopefully things are better for you now than they were...maybe it's for the best anyway everything happens for a reason and even though you may feel like it will never get better it will! Just spend time with your friends to take your mind off of it and you'll be fine!!xxx
Liked by: Liv

my friend has another friend and when we are all together she is totally fake and rude to me but when me and get just hangout she is like nicest person should I still be friends with her

mention it to her, if shes a true friend she will stop being so two faced, if she doesnt stop then shes not worth it!xxx
Liked by: Hope Franks

i am a boy and i finger my bum hole is that normal

well im not a boy but i wouldnt have said its 'normal' but whatever floats your boat i suppose xx
Liked by: ZeZo

So I'm 15 and I have given head an hand to my boyfriend is that bad? Should I tell my parents?

It's not shocking but it's not great, I wouldn't tell your parents - it depends how close you are to them though really!:) xxx
Liked by: Tess Gresik

I was hooking up with my boyfriend in the pool and I just felt him touching my bikini bottoms and then I realized he started to finger me it felt so good but I feel really awkward now what should I do?

How does it feel awkward? If it felt good then you obviously liked it which there is nothing wrong with that:) tell me how you find it awkward and ill try and help xxx

What's the important of putting x after your words? I know this isn't as big of a deal as the other questions you get but I heard someone say putting 2 x's after your words mean they fancy you, & I'm just so curious..

I think it is dependant on your age really, I remember when I was abit younger it was a massive deal however many kisses you put but now it's just however many you want really! But maybe in your school it does mean that but don't let it really affect you or anything, just go with the flow!xxx
Liked by: jenny

I'm gay and I haven't told anyone yet but I really want to tell everyone but I want to have a family when I'm older, I watch gay Porn and I put dildos up my bum:/ I fancy my best friend but he's not gay what should i do

Well for a start you need to really decide if you definitely are gay. It may just be a stage, not saying it is but it could be. You should really start off by telling your friend don't tell them you fancy them at the start but just let them know see how they react etc


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