Ask @baekjei

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seseneng itu baca for:s huhu akhirnya jei bsa suka selain bekyun wkkwkw, aku tunggu trs lanjutan nya yah jei^^

kenapa orang2 pada seneng aku bisa suka selain baekhyun sih hahahahah iyaaa makasih yah udah baca! aku juga tunggu komentarnya♡

kalo jae apa kabar??

hahshsgdysgdhhshdhsh jihaaaaan gitu kaaaan jangan senyum2 mencurigakan deh
jae baik2 aja kayanya, bentar ya aku line dulu

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If I could say something to your bias right now what would it be?

gaktau deh kan lo yang mau bilang kan?

moodboardnya johnny dong kak jei~ hehehe

Have you ever loved something so much that you can't live without it?
They say that I am like the Germany version of K-pop lover
Well, maybe
Only I do not really enjoy German music specifically but the culture in general
But have you ever wanted to know why?
Not only about me, but about those who like something too much

Maybe they found pleasure in it
Maybe they found happiness in it
Maybe they found inspiration in it
Or maybe
They have a certain reason for it

My mother is a German
And she is mute because of something she experienced in her past days
When I was younger, I couldn't talk to my mother at all as I didn't understand her first language
She couldn't understand me

My father is an Indonesian
who has no ability to teach languages
including the language he's been using with my mother
I know that my father was really sorry for it
That's why he paid everything for me to study alone in the best place I can be

I do not hate my father
I was thankful that he was thoughtful enough to send me to the place that I have been calling as my second home
The young me then gained a motivation
To make my mother understand me,
so that I can understand her

I fall for Germany because of my mother
And I fall for my mother because of Germany
The cultures I've learned in the second home as well as the university has given me a little clue about my mother
And I have this little wish to bring my mother back to the country
She said that she's been missing it
She said that sometimes, at night, she cried for it

Yes, mom, I will bring you there again after finishing my study here,
after making you proud,
please believe in Johnny.

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Kak jeey mau nanya nih, itu bikin moodboardnya apa ada aplikasinya kah kak? Hehe makasih kak

Ngga ada, adanya aplikasi yg bisa bantu kamu cari gambar bagus (pinterest & tumblr), aplikasi buat gabungin foto2 itu (picsart), sama aplikasi yg bisa bikin moodboard kamu keliatan lbh cantik (vsco).

kak moodboard tuh apa sih? ada maknanya gitu ya? gimana kalo aku buat tp ya sesuai feeling gt dinamain moodboard jg ngga?

hmmmm aku sendiri belum yakin sama definisi moodboard tapi ya kalo aku sih bikin moodboard tuh ada temanya... kalo udah tau temanya apa, nanti akan ku samakan shadesnya. tapi kalo kamu mau bikin atas dasar estetika aja (maksudnya gaada cerita gitu), gapapaaa just play with your feelings and colors!

ka jeciii kalau lagi luang moodboard bayu-syira & pasangan2x lainny boleh jga tuh ;p ((secretly hoping for mabel alex))

hahahah ada kok moodboardnya udah dibikinin sm ka shila, bukan pasangannya sih tp cuma bayu aja atau jauzan aja atau alex aja gitu (naren sama kenzo udah dipost sama ka shila kan), boleh aja si kalo aku kepikiran ceritanya ntar kubikinin
Liked by: kjds DORKyungsoo

What was the most beautiful impression that an idol has given you?

I love how baek gives me the impression of someone who appreciates every single love he received. He is that lovely. And i love how he gives me the impression of someone who always work hard, whether it is for something he just did for the first time, or things he has done regularly, so that he can gives the best. I like it.


halo aku masih utang moodboard ya, ditunggu yaaa. aku baru pulang abis jalan seharian so lelah hahaha maaf yaah paling ntar maleman atau besok pagi ;)

menurutku suara baekhyun dominan di reff gara2 suara baek tuh cempreng bgt segitu cemprengnya sampe kyungsoo chen aja keblur suaranya wkwkw #durhaka

cemprengan chen lah plis d

kak masa di comeback stage MCountdown si baekhyun ngedancenya kek ulet bulu:( geli masa:( aku gak tergoda kak, kok kaka suka bingit ya sama dia....wahaha canda ka

aku udah biasa ditanyain kenapa bisa suka baekhyun padahal dia lalala lilili lululu
jawab becanda: harus menerima pacar apa adanya
jawab serius: have you ever fall for someone so much that you don't care about his minuses? have you ever fall for someone so much that you can see that there are always something more to see other than appearances? like, talents? he dances well, he has improved a lot. can you dance like that 'caterpillar'?

jey monster tuh udah kayak lagu baekhyun banget gak sih? dia paling stand out dibanding member lain. konsep dia pas bgt, trus udah kayak lebih dari setengah lagu isinya suara dia?? even chorus yg nyanyi bareng2 suara dia segitu dominan

hai, alhamdulillah yah aku sih seneng bgt baek keliatan stand out heuheu, apalagi soal konsep, been wishing for this kind of concept dan ternyata bagus banget di baekhyun (dan sehun, dan yixing, dan minseok). aku aja kaget dia jadi 'lead role' di mv huhu so happy.
tapi perlu diketahui lagi kalo baek is the main vocal bareng kyungsoo dan jongdae, jadi pasti suara dominan di lagu2 exo itu ya ga jauh2 dari suara mereka bertiga, plus suho di beberapa lagu.
aku tadi juga denger lagi monster nya dan proporsinya rata kok heuheu, liat di colorcodedlyrics juga deh ;)

kak jeyi ada kepikiran ga masukin mini rookies ke chatroom?

belum nih..... pusying banyak banget T_T

kak kalo nyari gambar yg bagus kan di tumblr/pinterest/ we heart it,, tapi kalo cuma search lewat google itu susah bgt yari yg bagus2 kak gmn? :v terus efek yg buat moodboard diatur lagi ya biar sama?

kalo di google biasanya aku tambahin keyword 'tumblr' 'pinterest' sih jadi kayak misalnya 'green aesthetic pinterest' gitu.
iya setelah kugabung biasanya aku atur lagi efeknya, tapi biasanya cuma aku fade aja sih.
Liked by: aissy

moodboard nya mark dong kak

sabar yah,
trivia aja nih,
tadi gue bikin cerita buat moodboardnya andhara dari maghrib dan baru selesai jam 8,
kalo mau bagus,
sabar yah,


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