

Ask @bbrieannaa

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When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

Back. Cause fuck youu✌️

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If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Someone rich.
Someone that will buy me food.

Do you spend too much time on smart phone playing ‘stupid games’?

✋no. I spend too much time on my phone on "Stupid Instagram"

What sound drives you crazy?

When people scratch their forks on the lunch trays at school..... It kills me. .. D;

I think ur unbelievable sweet and amazing. I like you, but could never tell u. Ur personality is just indescribable. Ur a perfect girl!


What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

Well she didn't really say anything. But she follows me, she walked up to me and asked if I was Brieanna and Hugged me. I felt so loved!

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

Yeah.. I think I needa give him another chance.. Everyone deserves one


Language: English