
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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hi, I know this is a weird question, but where do you get all the gifs you post under your answers? Idk, they look really HD and have good colors, haha I don't know how to explaint it.

thank youu lol, i just search for them on google or on tumblr tbh.. sometimes i make some myself but rarely.

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oh my god its for real

Liked by: chris

Hey Char i was wondering, what is a strike on youtube?

So, one fine day you log into youtube and there is a biiiig warning message over your screen. And it tells you it will not let you into your account until you follow what it says - so your account is off limits until you go through a little primary school lesson that Youtube wants you to learn. Then it will show you a video with Happy tree friends thus educating you NOT TO USE other people's songs in your Youtube uploads. After you've watched the video you need to take a mini quiz and see if you've learned anything from the video. Hopefully, you answer all the questions right (idk what happens if you don't), and THEN you sort of kind of have access to your channel again - except the video (song) that got you a strike is now deleted, and you usually lose the a few options on youtube - like uploading videos on the ''Unlisted'' option or adding custom thumbnails (this option has surprisingly come back to me, I don't know how or why but I will not question the mysterious ways in which our Lord works).
The strike that you have will expire in 6 months and your account will be clean then once again. HOWEVER if you obtain another strike - you might lose some more options and that waiting time for them to clear might be extended.
And then finally, if you receive a third strike... Your account might be completely wiped/deleted, done for, nada, zero left. Yay.

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In your Bonnie video , H.o.m.e., what episode is that from when she's talking about how she made a mistake please? :))

i think its 7x5... no idea honestly, i only have that scene that my friend cut for me and sent me

Thank you so much for your help! I don't have many friends but i'll try youtube! I really appreciate your help thanks again, have a wonderful day :))

sure no problem! and thank youuu, you too :D if you ever do make that video, please send it to me! :) (if i wont already find it with my obsessive spaleb video-watching)

hey I really really really wanted to edit spencer and caleb videos! Yours have inspired me so much! But I can't download from torrents as where I live it's really risky, do you know any alternatives? It sucks that editing is so hard to get the clips etc I just really don't want to get caught:(

ooo, well i dont really know any other way than torrents - you can maybe ask some of your friends to send some eps to you if they have pll. other than that you can always download scenes off of youtube - for example, i got those from the last episode on youtube actually, as i cant exactly download it myself. just type in youtube ''spencer and caleb'' and there should be a ton of cut scenes to go around, people always upload pll scenes on youtube :)

Tell me your favorite & least favorite character & ship from your top shows

✘ Favorite Characters: Sawyer, Desmond, Kate (sorry I can't just choose one)
✘ Least favorite: -
✘ Ship: Sawyer/Kate
✘ Favorite characters: Nathan & Kelly
✘ Least favorite: -
✘ Ship: -
✘ Favorite character: Coach
✘ Least favorite: Gerard/Erica
✘ Ship: Malia&Theo
✘ Favorite character: Spencer
✘ Least favorite: Alison
✘ Ship: Spencer&Caleb
✘ Favorite character: Queen Helena, Foxy
✘ Least favorite: Pryce
✘ Ship: Jaspenroar

how do you get your pll episodes? x

usually from kat.cr or when i cant reach that, then my friends send it to me over online sharing sites

Thank you so much. The links were really helpful :) Just one more question: I installed newblue but it says that it's a trial for 13 days. Isn't it going to work afterwards?

hmm which one? for all of the effects + v1-v5? cuz the download i gave for that is a simple installation and it's the one i have and still works for me even now after almost 2 years. i dont remember if it told me it would be a trial at the beginning (maybe it did) but it still works, so it should be fine. however the sampler pack effects dont work i think? other than that, everythings fine.
but if you mean just the v6 installation, then im not sure :S

Hi, hope i'm not bothering you. i was wondering if would you please tell me where you got the brushes (?) and overlays/textures you used in your last spaleb video? i looked for them everywhere but i can't seem to find them :// thank you and sorry again if i'm bothering you!

oh... i got them from a friend.
i dont know where they are from/where you can find them though (but tbh for the square one - you can easily make it using cookie cutter on sony vegas and some gaussian blur and motion blur + S_warp_chroma if you want - I just asked her for it because i was way too lazy to make it myself. you can make other shapes like that too!)

i have a mega link to download the episodes of shannara in 1080p if u waaant

OoooOoOOo that would be great if you could!! :o thank you, lovely person <3
Liked by: D A R I A

Hi I used your tutorial on how to download torrent. But they don't open on Sony Vegas, how can I fix this? Thank you for the hep

You need to convert the episodes to mp4 first with a converting program - i use freemake video converter

are you excited for the new ep of tvd?

Noooo??? Hahhaha i haven't been watching TVD since season 6 ended sorry :(
I stayed true to my word that if both Kai and Elena are gone, I don't see a point in it anymore, and I heard that they messed up the show anyway so I have no desire to catch up xD
Liked by: Sweetie2566 Salome

Shipping maleo after 5x14 is so fucked up its not even funny anymore… whats your opinion, Char? :)

I don't see how it would be fucked up, sorry :)
I do have to say I was very disappointed that he betrayed her, but the ''closer'' moment was really hot in my opinion. I can't help shipping them, they have too much chemistry.

Where did you get the overlays in your recent video from?

Tina babe sent them to me <3 c:
(but I have no idea where they are from sorry!)

Yes TSC is not bad for now. You should watch it so you'll be able to vid about haha sorry I just love your editing too much ♥

Ahahahah I'll definitely try! Thank you :) <3

Do you watch the shannara chronicles?

NOoooo unfortunately I forgot to download that before i went back to uni :(( But it's on my list of TV shows, I'll try to get it as soon as I have access to downloading stuff again. I heard it's good!
Liked by: Sweetie2566


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