
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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I'm sorry for bothering I'm wondering your opinion. I know you like those two, too. And this is my new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvNLySPV50k

Mišel ( Sam ) Stark
Hey, thank you! I do hahah, I love those two,
that's definitely clear by now! :D Glad you're a Spaleb shipper as well!
However I couldn't really help but notice how similar your text always looks to mine, that's why I usually don't really comment your videos because it feels so weird for me to see that. I don't mind you being inspired by me, but it would be nice to sometimes see something you came up with on your own!

CHAR <3 your new spaleb video has gotten me to start to catch up on the new season (which i was refusing to watch cause the A reveal pissed me off) so congrats! ?

OMG THAT'S AWESOME! Hahahah, I'm so glad :D Actually so many people have told me they started catching up with PLL after my videos... xD That's so unreal to me, but awesome! (And yeah, the A reveal was laughable lol)
Liked by: Dyl

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I found this interesting question somewhere in the internet and i'm curious what other people would answer so i decided to ask you guys about it. You've been kidnapped. You can call on the characters from one televion show to make a rescue attempt. Which show do you pick?

Hmm, for an efficient rescue I'd go with either Sherlock or True Blood characters,
BUT for a fun and probably not very thorough rescue - I'd call characters from first 2 seasons of Misfits :D

You dont like Haleb?

Hmm, not anymore. I used to, like in season 1, 2, and maybe 3. I don't mind them, but eh. Just got boring to me I guess

Do you answer comments?

That depends, I really usually don't cuz I always get off my pc after I upload. Sometimes I do if I have time and am feeling up to it or just at random times when there's an intriguing or funny comment. But I'm still not used to answering them, it was just like that in the other editing community that I was in before xD

I was going to write you today here on ask that you need a new watermark but it thought it would sound offensive... it's like you listened me. xD

But yeah hahah no worries, no offense taken, I've been thinking of making a new one a lot I just don't have any ideas yet :// I mean I could totally make one like what everyone else has easily but I don't want thaaaaat ugh. I put my old one on this video and I'll think about making a new one for the next uploads cuz im so bored of this one xD Just want it to be something cool though. Ah, it'll come to me hopefully :D

Wait, so we can expect a Spaleb video tonight?? omg. Or it will be tomorrow? (i'm still freaking about the last episode just wow... o.O)

LOL IKR, I'm still not functioning properly.
And well, the video is basically finished, I am just adding a few more text effects here and there and then I just need to render (which will probably take an hour or so *sigh*) But maybe less, we'll see. I'm just at a crossroads right now because I would like to make myself a new watermark and add it to this video but i dont have any ideas atm xDD Well, if nothing pops up by in the next few minutes then, I'll just render xD
Liked by: Aeris

Hi Char! Do you still watch TWD 'cause you haven't vid it for so long, i really miss those edits:'))

I do watch it, but I doubt I'm going to vid it anymore sorry :// I'm just really NOT inspired for that show anymore. It's not really fun to edit and everytime I do try I lose my patience and it becomes awful for me to edit it...
It's just no fun for me anymore. Maybe I'll make a Bethyl video since I had some ideas, but probably not that soon. Hope you understand :) xx

I actually died by just the looks they gave each other. And I never knew there was such thing as happy cursing but I just couldn't stop the words (and sounds) coming out of my mouth. It's a weird thing the fangirling. xD

I KNOW RIGHT. Like how does that happen, I am soooo new to that feeling xD I always ship from a quiet space, and I don't ship that strong in general (ofc, unless it's my OTPs - Maleo, Bonkai and Spaleb) SO LIKE, WHEN THAT HAPPENED, I was legit shaking HAHAHA I didn't know that was what fangirling felt like, none of my ships ever reached that stage or arose those emotions in me. I'm STILL so overwhelmed!!
Liked by: Sima arsy

Hey i was just wondering if we'll se something new (spaleb related of course) from you, soon, because i would love to see another video with them, made by you, before i drown completely in my spaleb feels, ya know? Also, your latest video is BEAUTIFUL!

YES, you will hahaha :D Possibly tomorrow night *fingers crossed*
AWW Thank you hun! YES, YES, I know the feelings. I couldn't breathe, I had to edit them immediately xDDDD I'm SUPER happy, I haven't been this happy in a loooooong long time about a TV show, cuz they always just kept disappointing me Dx And now this happened, I'm soooo psyched!! :D :D Even the hand holding was too much for me, I was SOOO NOT ready for all of what went down xD
Liked by: Aeris arsy

@parenttrapfan asks, "What is your favorite way to make an egg?”

OMG I make eggs every way, I seriously need to stop or I'm gonna turn into a giant walking egg, that's like all I eat. That an pancakes - which contain eggs.. So. Yeah.
Liked by: chris Jer

I don't remember the last time i fangirled that much over a couple. Holy shit.

Neither. I honestly learned last night that I could make different animal noises I'd never tried before. That scene killed me xD LMAOO I ranted to Jazz all about it and she ended up fangirling with me even if she's not up to date with the show ( @JazziBalkan ) xDDDDDDDDD - I mean how can you not??? THE HANDS. THE TOUCHING. THE STARES. I seriously wished I was in Spencer's skin at that moment wtf, I never knew Caleb could be so sensual and seductive HAHAHAH.
Liked by: Sil. arsy

what ship never made sense to you?

mmm romantically - sterek, emison, beremy (that was plain boring), kailena.... probably more but i cant think of any right now.
Liked by: Thata

how many projects do have in mind?

Oh, way too many for sure!
Here's some off the top of my head that I'm working on:
✗ a Spaleb project
(will prooobably be up tomorrow... Yeah. Couldn't contain my feels, edited all night yesterday and all day today and am working on it as I type)
✗ a crossover couple
(hoping to get this one up soon)
✗ my TYS entry
(although it's making me nauseous because I'm editing a ''creepy'' theme which is not something I'm very acquainted with)
✗ a Maleo video
(however I have yet to watch the new episode and something tells me I'll be ripped apart between editing Maleo and Spaleb once I do)
✗ Chanel Oberlin video
(this one is very effectful and I haven't worked on it in a while but hopefully I'll get back to it soon)
✗ Queen Helena video
✗ multifandom video with a bunch of dedications
+ then there's of course the awfully long list of people I'm collabing with... xD aka - way too many to expand on this post ahhahaha

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Liked by: M Aeris


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