
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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What movie can you watch over and over again?

Grease, absolutely!
I loooove all the songs in it! Like some of them are so relatable, and others just fun AF. xD
like this one, is one of my faves, pretty relatable for me atm
''I know I'm just a fool who's willing to sit around and wait for you... I'm hopelessly devoted to you.''
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzmggUAqePYcharizzaard’s Video 131633566841 tzmggUAqePYcharizzaard’s Video 131633566841 tzmggUAqePY
And of course this one oh my god, just makes me wanna daaaance
''You better shape up (doop doop doop), cuz I need a man. And my heart is set on youuu''
(everytime I hear this song, I just dance no matter what the circumstances)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYQltuvKCD4charizzaard’s Video 131633566841 pYQltuvKCD4charizzaard’s Video 131633566841 pYQltuvKCD4
I also love Danny & Sandy's love story and how in the end they have an effect on each other and how she loosens up for him, and he changes for her too. Like he stops trying to be a jerk just cuz he's in front of his friends and all. Like they have so many problems but they always come back to each other, which is just cute af.
There's also Rizo... Oh my god, she's my fave beeyotch ever. <3
but I mean of course, the best part is the guys. Look at demmm lmao like yas. Greasers :D

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charizzaard’s Video 131633566841 tzmggUAqePYcharizzaard’s Video 131633566841 tzmggUAqePY

QOTD: Some people say it's immature watch cartoons when you reach a certain age, what do you think about that? Do you care about their opinion or you don't care and you still watch them?

Absolutely noooooot omg. Most animated movies are like so much more mature and have way better humor than some movies nowadays tbh.
Like 'Up' omg.. I was crying rivers in the first 10 minutes. Or those little Disney's short films? Amg.

Are your roomies nice?

Well, I think a new girl just moved in, but I haven't seen/met her yet, I just heard her down the hallway lol... I've met one of the guys, and his name is Theo (lmaoooooo), he's okay but I haven't talked to him much. I've mostly been talking to the other guy Adam, cuz he's like always here, and yesss he's very nice. We have tea together and play card games we made up on our own. #HardcoreStudentLife

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how's college for u?

ahhhh hectic so far. Sorry I'm answering this late, but I basically just got here yesterday xD
i got 2 roomies so far, still waiting on the other two, and im currently struggling with establishing wifi and getting unpacked and stuff. aaaand im still waiting for my family to leaaaave xD

Could you lease briefly tell me how you do the lines on your video using photoshop? I'm just not sure how to move them, is it frame animation? :)

what lines, which video. i do lots of different lines, i dont know which ones you're talking about xD if you meant the retrograde video, i only used sony vegas for it, just typed in some lines into a text sample, placed them as i wanted with pancrop and animated them with masking :)

QOTD(sorry for being so busy!): If you met a vidding friend in real life, would you act the way you do online or act a little more shy?

Vidder's Question Of The Day
Omg I really hope to meet my f7 crew, and I have plans with one of em soon :D I dont know, I guess I'd act a wee bit different at first but then I'd get more comfortable. Also depends on WHO I'd be meeting. Like for some people I'll be reallyyyy nervous. But it'll be worth it in the end :) cant waitttt.

hey char, can u help? how do i download party in the usa and who owns my heart video in HD and without those black borders? (i downloaded pitusa with YTD downloader, quality sucks on sony vegas,especially when i crop it to 16:9)

Ehm well you can only download the quality there is on youtube. I ise convert2mp3.net Or you can search for it on torrents, maybe theres a better quality.

Hi, just wanted to ask how did your parents react when you told them that you're planning to study in scotland? Are you afraid that maybe you wont be able to find the job in the course you finished in college? Just asking bc I'm too planing to study in another country :)

Well they've always known i wanted to move out of the country so it wasnt a big deal to them. And nuhh im positive i'll find something, im an active optimist and yoloist. Theres always something xD

Can you please tell me how the whole tuition fees thing works,I mean when do you need to pay them back when they give you student loans?And congrats I hope you have an amazing time

thank you so much <3
and well you make a loan from whatever the countries finance site it, in my case its SAAS. you apply for funding and you wait for them to reply and to loan you the money. im not yet sure how you pay it back, but i know you pay it once you're finished with college and once you're working and gaining a certain amount of money. if you dont gain enough, you dont have to pay it back at all.

Hey! Ok so im the one who ask for the line text effect from the crazy in love edit you made aha I was actually wondering this edit http://youtu.be/JTlH-zVXLKg The effect is at 0.40 :) Sorry if im confusing :/

ahh, you just type a ______ in a text sample and you can either add liner wipe as a transition, or you can just animate them with masking. and you do it for both of them separately, so you make one transition form left to right and the other from right to left :)
Liked by: IsAbelle

How familiar are you with your editing program? Do you think you have a good understanding of its effects, transitions etc? Or are you still learning new things about your editing program?

☺ Smiley
Ahaha I'd say I'm pretty familiar. But there's obviously always something new to learn or a different way to do things. I like just playing around with random effects, and different track modes and such when I wanna try out something new.
Liked by: ☺ Smiley

I guess these things made us stronger huh? You're right, it's really stupid to waste our energy on something that doesn't even matter to us. We should focus way more on ourselves & enjoy the little things in life. I've mentally grown up so much &

...figured out that I've been pointlessly too affected by those little things
Yeah, I agree they probably made us see that it's not good to get upset and so affected by things xD sometimes i still do but it's a lit easier now than it was before. I'm glad its the same for you <3

Hey Char. I've just read your last answer & ughhh I've been through a similar situation while on middle-school, I felt kinda horrible. I am happy that you decided to not let yourself be upset by any little shit. :D

Aw thank you so much Risa. Thats terrible though ugh, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But yeah, I guess I just had to come to the realization that it's stupid to waste your energy on something that doesnt even matter to you. And that we honestly are here on Earth to have fun and enjoy instead of getting pissed off and annoyed by every little thing since we see others are since that's what they taught us. Like no, why would I be? xD it's all just an illusion and you can be whatever you want. That's my opinion I suppose :)


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