
char from afar

Ask @charizzaard

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Have you seen the last episode of The 100? Do you know what happened to Lexa?

Yep I saw it. Although I'm more perplexed with what the hell they pulled out of her neck. o.O
Liked by: M Missa ♡

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QOTD: We're always told not to do this but today, BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF! Tell me why you're hot af, or how you aced your test this week! Write ANYTHING about yourself that's positive <3

I have these super skinny high-waisted jeans and when I put them on I could literally just stand in front of the mirror for hours staring at how FIT my ass and my waist look in it.

What's your favourite music genre? And don't say that you don't care,because I just don't believe that you listen to as teen pop as death metal :D

I never say I don't care...
My favorite genres are folk, indie and alternative :D
I also like some pop and country

Who do you ask these questions of the day? I never saw a post from were you like the answer to get one

That's because I never made a post for it, I just send random questions when I feel like it to people I follow. if you wanna get them you can always lemme know and ill follow you

What about you, Char? Did you ever play Ouija? Or even considered it? :)

I haven't! There were never any opportunities, like it's not really a common thing where I lived. BUT LOL I TOTALLY WOULD. Just for the heck of it, idk, I'm like yolo all the time.
We did, however, call on ghosts, like without the board. Just sat in a circle in the dark. But that was a loooooooooong time ago so I don't even remember what happened but I think there WAS some creepy shit going on. But I was a kid so idk if it was one of us fooling around if stuff actually happened. But hell yeah, I'd try it with a board xD

Jel mi mozes molim te rec jesi za faks polagala koji ispit za engleski jezik i ako da jel bilo tesko i kad sa polozim to ako sam 3.raz srednje a treba mi za faks

Ja sam polagala IELTS. Rezultati testa vrijede 2 godine nakon sto dobis rezultate, tako da bi ti ja preporucala da ga polozis prije 4. razreda ili na pocetku 4. (Negdje 8. ili 9. mjesec, tak da se ne brines oko toga vise i da se fokusiras na maturu). A sad, nije bio lagani test, ali nije bio ni nesto narocito tezak. Imas 4 dijela - slusanje, citanje, pisanje i usmeno. Meni je bilo najlakse usmeno, cisto zato jer inace puno pricam na engleskom i to sam najbolje prosla, al iskreno ne bi ti trebalo bit previse problema :)
Mozes polagati u Splitu i u Zagrebu

Do you care what others people think of you?? Or you do not care and ignore those people???

Ehh depends. Most of the time I don't, but sometimes I can snap hahah. It really depends on the situation and my mood, and what exactly happens... But yeah, my thunder can come through sometimes if I'm annoyed.. xD

Do you Collab with everyone who asks you? Or with people who have a specific style?

Eh, it depends. As you can see I never even finish 1-on-1 collabs xDDDDD
Honestly, it depends on if I know the person or if I like the way they edit + if I think it would fit my own editing + if I have time hahah. But atm, I want to at least TRY to finish some of the collabs I have started... I am almost finished with my parts for a collab I have with NuurSalvatore but I don't know if she'll be able to finish hers now that she's lost her fandoms :/

March is also known as reading month. Do you plan to increase your reading or catch up on your reading? Are there books you plan to read this month? If you could set yourself up for a success and say the amount of books you wanna read this month what would the number be?

Lilly's Book Questions
''March is also known as reading month'' - THAT SOUNDS LIKE YOU JUST MADE IT UP, GURL. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm suuuuure it's true.
Ehmm well I'm supposed to read a screenwriting book for class but... Ehhhhhh. xD But yes, I want to read my mom's book this month for sure! Hhahaha finally finish it :D

I complitely agree with you! but sometimes it's hard to start a conversation with people who have more subscribers than you, because they often think you only want to be their friends bc of that number :/ Like me, i really want to know you, you seem to be such a good person ^^

I know!! I get your point 100%
That's why I'm so sick of this issue, because so many people do this just cuz of subs that it actually backfires to people who genuinely just want to get to know someone. BUT, I do believe that most editors can tell the difference between kiss-asses and genuine people. So you shouldn't be scared to talk to anyone tbh.
Btw, I just check out your channel and omg you vidded Maleo hahah * immediate high five*
Liked by: Judy ♛ saniiღ honey

Would you make a video with this song? I think you could make an awesome edit with it because you slaaaay! ♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pySSdwwx204

AHHH, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to say a 'no' on this one!
I appreciate the suggestion very much, thank you! I'm glad you think I could pull it off, but I reaaaally don't like that song or just that style of music in general ://
I am working on more videos but the songs are more of my style, music I like.. I can't edit a song that doesn't inspire me, I'm sorry!

i just discovered your video (My soul to take) and now i'm watching them all, but what TYS stands for? i can't tell..

Thank you very much!! Glad you like them <3
TYS is short for a contest that I was in called ''Test your skills''. It's hosted by an editor called ''by pingvi'' every year I think :) It was a very fun contest to be a part of! :D

"would you be friends with vidders with less subscribers?" The person asked you a question, that's all. No one said "I think you wouldn't be friends with someone with less subscribers than you." and yet you make all this drama lmao

Okay, you obviously didn't read the same question as I did. This person literally asked me how many subscribers they need to have for me to be friends with them. And yeah, maybe it's just a question, but it's DISRESPECTFUL asking me ''how low'' is my so-called limit of how many subs people I talk to should have. And you wouldn't believe the amount of times people asked me if I would be friends with someone who has less subs, AND, people actually sending me questions like ''I really love your videos but I know you won't talk to me because I have so little subs.''
Maybe you can't understand that, but THAT DOESN'T FEEL GOOD.
+ Also, I don't know what your definition of drama is, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't one. I expressed my opinion because this is something that has been going on for years and years with ''popular'' editors and no one seems to get it. No one seems to get that it's actually hurtful when someone is convinced that you think you're better than everyone else because of your subs. And it's hurtful when someone is trying to talk to you but you KNOW it's just cuz of the subscribers. No one gets that!!! Because ''Oh, they're a popular vidder, they have so many subs! Everyone wants to be their friend! They're probably mean and self-absorbed anyway! This won't hurt them! Maybe they'll collab with me so I can promote myself, if they say no, they're a self-centered bitch!''
And when this question is asked over and over again, how are you supposed to react? Maybe you don't like this or agree or understand, but I'm done keeping my mouth shut about things that bother or hurt me.

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