
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm grateful for Jose putting in the work to make the IGPX release happen. I pre-ordered it months ago, and I can't wait to finally get it when its ready. If you can, could you let Jose know that us patient, adult fans are grateful for the time and effort he's put into IGPX's release?

Alex Peal
I'll let him know!
Liked by: Schmullus (Logan)

Did you ever expect that you'd be working as the creative director of a television network? Or at least, did you always expect that you'd work in television when attending college?

I really didn't. I went to college to major in illustration, and changed majors to film/video in my second year of school. I thought I'd become a filmmaker. I'm really happy with the way things turned out, though, I'm having a blast!
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

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Do you generally stay on the colder side or warmer side? I am definitely on the colder side. I am constantly cold.

I'm always hot.

How would you feel if your crush has a crush on your best friend ??

That sucks. This kind of thing happens to all of us. Just try not to let it ruin your friendship. Jealousy is a natural emotion but an ugly one. Try not to give in to it. Good luck.

(Part 2) Now he is mad because i am staying for a hype event for the video game club at my school that been planned for over two montha and because i want to stay i have to show up at 7pm at his party and there isnt even a specific time i have to be at the party. What are you thoughts?

Your friend is being unreasonable. It seems like it's time to have a chat with him.

I have an internship and 2 job opportunities for this summer in a different city. My Dad says if I take these jobs I won't be a dependent and his taxes will increase by 15-20k and it'll "kill him" financially. I've lost good opportunities for similar reasons in past. I want to start my job career.

That... doesn't make sense. Your dad can still claim you as a dependent, even if you're summering in another city. And his taxes increasing by 15-20k also doesn't make sense. I don't have all the facts, but it SEEMS like Dad just doesn't want you to leave. But you're right... you have to do what you have to do. Your dad will survive. Just explain to him that it's time for you to start your OWN career so you can take care of yourself, and then he won't have to spend that money he's worried about! Good luck.

Ever thought about writing a book about your experience working in broadcast and content creation; along with how the landscape has evolved since you got into the biz?

I've thought about it but I'm not a very good writer, and I have no idea how I would keep it from being boring as hell.
Liked by: John

With your experience and accomplishments, what's the point in trying to 'build a better cartoon show' now if that era of TV broadcasting on basic cable has mostly passed; especially when it's expensive, time consuming, and probably stressful?

The TV landscape is certainly changing but I promise, not at anywhere near the rate reported in the press. We're doing fine. People got tired of too many commercials, repetitive programming, and lack of choice. I believe Toonami, and Adult Swim in a larger sense, is proof that a curated environment can still appeal to people, if it's presented with care and intelligence. Regardless of what happens with TV, I hope there will always be a place for great content, presented well. That's what I want to be a part of and why I keep doing this.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

I know you work for adult swim, but do you also work for Cartoon Network??

I did for many years, but these days, just Adult Swim.

Jason are you aware people in canada cannot access the Toonami website and schedule because as of a week ago adultswim.com redirects to adultswim.ca . Can you tell someone at Turner or CN to fix this? at least make www.adultswim.com/toonami/ accessible anywhere. please fix ASAP

That's out of my control, I'm sorry! There's an Adult Swim in Canada now and if you want Toonami, you gotta email them and ask for it. Good luck!

After dropping out of college 3 years ago due to mental health issues I'll finally be going back starting tomorrow to finish my education degree. Meeting yall at Momocon then the DO IT video motivated me to get my life back on track. Thanks for everything and keep on doing amazing work!

That's amazing. Congrats on getting back on track, and I wish you all the best. You can do it!

What is your opinion on Auto vs Manuel transmission? Not much of a car guy, but I'm due for a new car and I'm thinking of looking into manual for various reasons (generally cheaper price, less family bugging me to borrow, less oil changes, etc.). Is it hard to learn?

I have always driven a manual until my most recent car. I think manual transmission offers more control and focus when driving, generally. Just like the "feel" of it. It's not really cheaper anymore, or more fuel efficient, though. Just FYI. But I think it's better!

If I have a fan promo, should I submit it through the Tumblr, Facebook, or either one?

Either one is fine! And thank you!

Did your taste in music change as you when from kid, teen, and adult?

Definitely. As a teen, Hardcore, Punk, Metal, and Goth music (with a side portion of Industrial) saved my life. As a college kid, Alt rock, Hip Hop, and Electronic music were the soundtrack of my growth years. As an adult, I've increasingly become bored with traditional rock and roll, where my interest in hip hop, electronic music, and metal has only grown more intense.

Yo, DeMarco. You got any advice on how to talk to girls?

My advice is to not try too hard. Be yourself, LISTEN, be present, and be honest. Eventually you will meet someone who appreciates those qualities.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

AydanADub1683 says that you and the Toonami crew are more than welcome to use his design for a SARA body when you get the money. He wants it to be used in an actual broadcast, and to show his design to the world. I understand if you don't want to, but it would make him happy. Either way, thanks.

Wyatt Beaty
We appreciate the offer, but we'll always be designing stuff for Toonami on our own! Thanks very much though.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty


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