
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Looking forward to the Devoe album, sir. :) I wouldn't call that "small" necessarily but then again some people may not care so much about Toonami music as I do. (they crazy)

Haha glad you're happy.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

A friend and I were wondering: Was Toonami given a cease & desist for using Devoe's Star Wars remix in the CGI Clone Wars promo for AS Toonami, or was the C&D something that happened further back and was just asking you guys not to make ADDITIONAL remixes? Thanks in advance for answering!

We were never given a Cease & Desist order of any kind. That remix was approved by Mr. Lucas HIMSELF, along with one Brian Burton did of "Duel of the Fates." George liked Chris's remix better. Eventually, Lucasfilm asked all partners not to use as much of the "classic" music due to some issues with rights re: John Williams. At least, that's my understanding.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty Duelist

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Does the announcement on Toonami's tumblr page tomorrow have anything to do with that "BIG" announcement you've been teasing?

No. Before people make this into something more than it needs to be, I will say here: it's NOT a show announcement. It's much smaller than that. Just a fun little thing. Temper expectations accordingly! :)

Would you be down for a New Year's Twilight Zone marathon? The only problem is that it's on Syfy.

I used to watch those all the time, but now I own every ep on Blu, so I just watch whenever I want!
Liked by: LopezCamii

Is not playing Halo multiplayer due to problems with the player community, gameplay, or just personal preference?

I don't like Halo multiplayer at all.
Liked by: Rrafaela♡

Sometimes you say shit on twitter that I don't necessarily agree with, but at the end of the day I will always support toonami.

Well, thanks for your support!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

How much do you like trolling?

I don't ever troll. Anything I say I mean, and I never say anything just to piss people off. And if anyone thinks that's what I'm doing, they are gravely mistaken. Sincerity for 2016.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

do you guys at williams street find it funny when other companies and channels try to knockoff Adult Swim's style? Like those Sprint super bowl commercials and MTV's new bumpers and stuff. Or is it like "wow fuck them"?

MTV's current thing is particularly egregious. I don't think "fuck them" I just think it takes more than biting what we do, which honestly comes from a super sincere place. No shit.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty


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