
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What have been some books you've enjoyed this year?

This year I haven't read too many NEW books! I've been consumed by book club choices, re-reading The "Mr. Ripley" books, and other choices. Of novels released this year that I've read, the unquestionable champ is "A Brief History of Seven Killings," which is just amazing.

What shows are you currently watching?

Here's a pretty comprehensive list of every non Adult Swim, Cartoon Network or Toonami related show I watched and enjoyed (to highly varying degrees, btw) in 2015:
Broad City
Mad Men
Mr. Robot
Master Chef
Master Chef Junior
True Detective
Ash Vs. Evil Dead
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Wolf Hall
The Walking Dead
Fear the Walking Dead
Bates Motel
Mr. Robot
The Man in the High Castle
Into the Badlands
The Americans
Better Call Saul
Halt & Catch Fire
The Knick
Game of Thrones
Nathan For You

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Looking for a good set of headphones that I can use mainly for listening to music and a bit of gaming too. Got about $65 to spare. Any suggestions?

I always buy Senneheiser, and I prefer in-ear, personally.

Well, top 10 or 5 Toonami tracks you're bumping right now?

By the time music makes it on Toonami, I've already been listening to it for months, hahaha. Sorry to be difficult.

So I'm lurking on your Ask just shitting myself the questions people ask haha you're like a modern day Gandhi to some of these people

Ah people in need reach out for advice wherever they can; nothing wrong with that. I don't know shit about shit but if at the end of the day, I can help someone feel a little bit better, it's the least I can do. That's my feeling anyway.

Thanks for kicking it with us and continuing to answer questions while wading through the bullshit, you're nearing 16k answers! Hoping you and yours have a happy Thanksgiving.

Thank you! Same to you!

I been talking to a girl that I met for years. I have a crush on her. She is the only girl I talk to. I want to tell her that I have a crush on her, but I'm scared of rejection. Any advice? Thank you for your kindness. You are awesome.

You should alway risk telling someone how you feel. You just have to be ready to a) accept that they might not feel the same way and b) if they don't, move on. Remember: rejection hurts, but without risk there's no reward. Good luck!

I've have OCD. My obsession is with HIV. I've never had sex or used any needles. I've never done any drugs at all. I'm afraid that if I've had a wet dream and got up to touch something bought in a store that I'd somehow contract the virus. Can you please set my head straight?

Well first of all, no, you can't contract HIV that way. Second, I have some experience dealing with OCD- and as you know, it's not about what makes "sense," right? OCD is not logical. If you aren't doing it already, I would strongly urge you to see a therapist/psychiatrist. OCD can be effectively reduced through a combination of therapy and meds (depending on the individual of course), but you have to be proactive! Good luck.

what is your options on Inherent Vice?

Man I was obsessed with that movie last year. Think it's super underrated. Would love to see it grow into a Big Lebowski type touchstone. I've probably seen it at least ten times....

What are some book related critics you follow of Social Media for suggested reading?

I honestly don't follow any book critics on Twitter. I follow feeds like Publisher's Weekly, the NYT book review, Random House, etc.

What are some authors and books you think everyone should read?

Good question. I think anyone who loves books should, at some point, attempt Moby Dick, and maybe Faulkner. I'd also say Flannery O'Connor is kind of a must read. But really, read what you like, as long as you're reading!
Liked by: Blanchard

I'm 18 and I'm wondering if it's normal that I haven't dated anyone yet

Perfectly normal. There is no timeline you MUST follow. Date when you're ready, fuck anyone who tries to pressure you otherwise. You'll get there. A big part of it is just not overthinking things, which I KNOW is hard! Good luck!
Liked by: Blanchard

I found out my girlfriend asked another guy out while we were having serious issues.... By looking through her phone. There's wrongs to both sides but I can't look past this. What do I do?

Well you're both in the wrong. You should just break it off and move on, I think. And don't do that again, it's a really really bad and hard habit to break. Trust me. Good luck.
Liked by: Blanchard

Just wanted to say you look great for 43. Where can I find that youth fountain?

Ha thanks! I dip from the pool of anger every day.

Do you think it's very strange to be very much a straight man but be a bit, say, skeeved out by vaginas? I'm not saying it's a rational thought but. Please don't just amusingly call me a pussy lol

I don't think our fears or turn-ons always make sense. I think maybe you might speak with a friend, family member or even a therapist about where your fear of vaginas comes from. It's likely rooted in something else. I will say, if you're "straight" it's going to be hard to be a good partner if you're "skeeved" out by a pretty important part of their anatomy! Good luck.

After writing the script for Intruder 2, did you kept it secret to your co-workers or did you tell them what is going to happen in the event?

We kept it to ourselves until it was time for everyone to start working with the footage etc.

Whats it been like having Sonny Strait back in the mix for awhile? He's doing an awesome job as the Intruder! I'm excited every week for the story to continue!

It's been awesome to work with the OG TOM voice after all these years!
Liked by: Blanchard

My parents are considering switching to a "Christian" healthcare system that would involve everyone obeying "biblical principles" and confessing their "love for Jesus Christ." I do NOT identify with any religion. Should I lie and stay on their healthcare? Should I stick to my beliefs and be dropped?

I would say, it depends on your age and ability to access health care on your own. If you're a minor, you don't really have a choice besides talking to your parents and sharing your concerns. If you are able to pay for your own health care...it's time. Good luck!


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