
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What do you think of all the stuff going on with Kanye lately?

I think Kanye is searching for answers and I think he’s looking in the wrong place. He’s bipolar, who knows if he’s being properly medicated, and he’s living in a bizarre hall of mirrors where no one wants to ever tell him “no.” I think being famous can drive anyone nuts, and I think Kanye has been slowly getting worse since his Mom died. I think it’s profoundly depressing and I hope he pulls out of all this before it’s too late for him.

Top 5 Movies and Albums of the year so far?

Wheewwww for movies:
for albums? That’s tougher. A ROUGH top five:
Jon Hopkins, Singularity
Low, Double Negative
Hermit and the Recluse, Orpheus vs. The Sirens
Rae Sremmurd, SR3MMLIFE
Tim Hecker, Konoyo
Liked by: Michelle Engle

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I remember on a Pre-Flight when you and Gill were discussing favorite Toonami shows, you mentioned FLCL and that you were trying to get a sequel made after it first aired, how different would that sequel have been from Progressive if it had been made?

Very very different, I’d imagine. When we first tried to get a sequel made, it wasn’t that long after the original had been released. The entire industry was different then, from the way anime was financed to the way it was made, to the way it was distributed. It would’ve been a totally different animal, for better or worse.

Tell me about your flaws ?

So so many. Egocentric at times, bullying at others, myopic when I shouldn’t be, too loud, overweight, lazy, you name it. Despite me thinking all of those things I try to be kind to myself when I can. It’s a daily struggle, right?

What do you think of 'MGTOW'?

There is no philosophy which preaches actively DISengaging from society that is worth hearing about. I think it’s both sad and self-defeating, beyond that I don’t have anything new to offer on the subject.

Will there be more FLCL? Or do we look at Episode 6 of Alternative as the FLCL Series “Finale”

There are no current plans for more.

What do you think about gated communities in general?

I get why they exist, I personally wouldn’t want to live in one because going through a guard at a gate is just a pain in the ass. But I understand wanting to feel safe.
Liked by: Joshua telemaque

I'm 16, male, and I live in a gated community. My dad's CEO a cyber security company. I was born into wealth and never had to struggle for anything. Do you envy people like me? What can I do to better understand the struggles of others?

I don’t envy you, because though I wasn’t born into economic privilege, I’m comfortable now, and like you I’m a male, plus I’m white, so I was born into my *own* high level of privilege.
To be clear, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with being born well off. I think the fact that you’re just 16, and already aware of your privilege and starting to ask yourself what you can do to understand the suffering of others, is a very good start.
As to HOW you go about doing that- here are a few small suggestions. First, open yourself to other voices and ideas from those who are NOT born in privilege. This could be people you interact with on social media, or people you see in school, etc. The easiest way to start understanding the struggles of others is to simply listen to them. Basic human empathy should do the rest (as long as you have it!).
If you want to dig deeper, I’ve personally found it very helpful to absorb the art and philosophy of those who struggle under capitalism and patriarchy. Ideas are viral and the best way to catch good ones is through exposure.
Authors like James Baldwin, Bell Hooks, Ralph Ellison, Angela Davis, Alice Walker, Virginia Woolf. Filmmakers like Spike Lee, Kelly Reichardt, Ava Duvernay, Barry Jenkins, Steve McQueen, Mike Leigh, Satyajit Ray, Jane Campion, Boots Riley, Sally Potter, Debra Granik, and many more. To say nothing of all the music made by all kinds of people who will offer you different perspectives.
All of this stuff will open you to new ideas and concepts, and it’s important to have friends or family who will be open to discussing it with you in a respectful way.
Beyond all that, you can be an ally by listening to what these folks say they need and fighting for it in whatever ways you can, day to day.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: do NOT trust YouTube or any other internet hole to give you facts to support or counter anything you learn. There’s just too much insane bullshit to be able to tell what’s true and what isn’t, and it’s very easy for a young person like yourself to get lead down blind alleys by algorithms that only care if you click.
Good luck. I’m here any time you have questions, if I can answer them!

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How did the "Pacalien" shorts come about? I thought those were really fun.

I met with the creator while in Tokyo because I liked her previous work and offered to fund a new series of shorts! She agreed, so off we went. Glad you dug them. She is pretty brilliant.
Liked by: Duelist Justin Haire

Did you watch Birdboy (Spanish animated movie from a few years ago?) Do you know if it's any good? 4°C worked on it. I forgot about it until seeing the MFKZ trailer recently and I haven't seen it.

I did a review of it for Pre-Flight. I liked it! Well worth checking out. A dark, sometimes upsetting movie but a good one.

So you do things without considering or caring about the consequences right?

No, never. I always try to consider the consequences of anything I do. And I care about them.
Liked by: Joshua telemaque

I know they're both kinda your babies, but which FLCL is better: Progressive or Alternative?

I think Progressive was aiming higher, and whether or not you think it succeeded, I really liked what it was trying to do, and on a deeper level, the metaphors work for me. I also liked each directors different approach to each episode.
For Alternative, I agree with the people who say the characters feel more relatable and fleshed out, and I do think at points they captured the look of the original FLCL very well.
They’re each special to me, and I’m proud of both of them.
Liked by: Eric

I feel like you guys might be overlooking a lot of good shows with potential to do well or fit Toonami. Anything you can tell me to ease my arguably unimportant worries? For example (not to harp on this) but MANY of us were surprised when you guys thought Food Wars had no dub yet when 2 seasons are.

We can’t possibly air every show someone thinks would be a good fit for Toonami. But with a longer lineup, we will have ample spots to fill and hopefully we will rotate in some of the shows you’re thinking of. Some people think they have the “solution” for the perfect show that will “save” Toonami and the truth is, that doesn’t exist. It’s about way more than one or two shows. As always, we’ll keep our ear to the ground and listen to people’s suggestions!
Liked by: Luis Murillo Duelist

Where is the best place to request a show for Toonami? I feel like you guys don't really look at Tumblr "questions" any more and commenting on a random post on the Facebook seems like it wouldn't do much. Some claim you're okay with having show requests tweeted at you. What do?

Why not send em here?

What celeb would you like to turn into for one day? 💫

Well, Bill Murray sure seems like he’s having a lot of fun.

If Sym-Bionic Titan wasn’t writen off would it be like another Samurai Jack, where you a good show that AS/Toonami could air anytime and have it fill a slot?

Maybe! I’d definitely air it again if I could.

Are you shocked that you didn't get any Bill Cosby questions?

Nah, why would anyone care what I think about it? I’m obviously glad he will finally head to jail for some amount of time.


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