
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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someone said to me that im not a real anime fan, just because I watch dubs.

That person is a close-minded idiot who's likely insecure and trying to make themselves feel better by putting you down. Don't bother with em.

Who is more important, the director or the writer when it comes to movies? Who do you need most for a good movie?

I think a writer is very important but second to a director, who touches all aspects of a film and can often be the driving force behind it.

Stance on Toonami airing OVA episodes that certain series have?

It will not happen often if at all. Generally the cost is not worth the small number of episodes we will air.
Liked by: corey barnes

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You guys behind Toonami played a substantial part in my childhood. Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Who's worse, Chris Brown or Kanye West? (National Pariah wise)

I find this to be a strange question because while Chris Brown is an abuser and attacker of women and pretty much an unrepentant piece of shit, you're comparing him to Kanye who has, what... disrupted Taylor Swift getting an award once? Pretty insane to even compare the two. I don't understand people's hatred of Kanye other than he's black and talks about how awesome he is. I think he's great, and having met and worked with him personally, he was engaged, gracious, and whip-smart in person.

Also when I was little I watched the Latin American version of Toonami, back when they marathoned Rurouni Kenshin. God that was awesome. Thanks for that man, you made it possible.

Thanks for letting me know!

Without spilling any vital info, if you and the Toonami crew had a very huge budget, what would be a few things that you guys would do to improve the toonami experience dramatically?

Way too much to list, but definitely a ton of more TOM/Sara stuff and we would definitely add Clydes.

Thoughts on the Fallout 4 trailer? I found myself caring significantly more for the well-being of the dog than even the baby facing nuclear holocaust; I felt they did an effective job using the dog to draw you in and have something to relate to.

NekoBlanchard’s Profile PhotoBlanchard
It's an aight trailer, nothing special as far as that goes. I'm just excited that Fallout is coming back and that they used the "War... War never changes" line again.

Thoughts on the Caitlyn Jenner everything?

I think she's very brave and I say let people be whomever they want to, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Not sure why anyone would think of it as a negative thing, to be honest. Good for her.

Will the IGPX rerelease contain the japanese language version?

Brendan007’s Profile PhotoBrendan B.
Dunno sorry! But rest assured, the show was a complete co-production including the writing, so the Japanese language version is not the "original."
Liked by: Brendan B.

What if somebody misses an episode of a show on toonami. What would they do?

Almost every show we air can be seen at Funimation.com, Hulu, Netflix, iTunes, etc so I'd just find the ep you missed and try to watch it on one of those various streaming services. Some of them are available on VOD too. Good luck!

I got into an argument with a crazy, drunk fat girl outside a college party. I was trying to get in my cab, she blocked the door, I didn't want to hit or push her, then she tackled me to the ground and punched me, my friends got it all on film and now I'm a laughing stock . What should I have done?

Sounds to me like there's more to this story, but based on what you're telling me, I'm not sure what else you could've done besides maybe just let her have the cab b/c who cares? Beyond that, if "your friends" got it all on film and are using that to make fun of you, it sounds to me like your friends are being assholes. Maybe that's more the issue! You should never feel bad because you chose to avoid a physical confrontation.

Has something ever frustrated you in fictional media so much that you decide to retcon or ignore its existence (be it in part or as a whole) for you personally?(Example: J.C. staff's 'Tsukihime' anime and Oreimo season 2 for some people)

I ignore the second two JURASSIC PARK films, the second two MATRIX films, etc. I ignore ALIEN: RESURRECTION. So yeah.

Daredevil was a good show even though you have some unreasonable grudge against superhero stuff for whatever reason. But the idea of moving Akira to NYC, and Brad Pitt or James Franco playing Tetsuo or Kaneda is idiotic. Just make a new similar idea then and steal some tidbits from Akira.

I've detailed my exhaustion with superhero stuff here and on Twitter many times, don't feel like rehashing it here. But it's not "for whatever reason" and it's not "unreasonable" to me. What's unreasonable is someone expecting everyone to feel the way they do about film. And I do agree with you re: AKIRA.

I asked a few weeks ago about the co worker who treated me like crap.I took your advice and talked to my manager.My manager had me talk to my co worker and I bluntly told her how I felt and she apologized and said she would stop disrespecting me.So far she has kept her word Thank you for the advice!

Glad to hear it man! I think open communication is always the best policy. Hope things stay smooth at work.
Liked by: Alex J

So both Star Trek movies were bad?

He didn't write the first one, he was just a producer on it. That one was good. The second one, which he has a writing credit on, is an incoherent mess.

Im almost 22 years old and have never had sex. I know this really isnt that big of a deal but the older I get the more it nags at me. dont think any of my friends know and i go around acting like im experienced but i feel like a scared teenager. beautiful women intimidate me and i cant flirt for shi

This is not as big of a deal as you are making it into, promise. Women aren't some otherworldly species, they're just people like you. Be yourself, if you're interested in someone see if there's a spark and let them know how you feel, and eventually, it will happen. The more you pressure yourself about it and get in your own way, the harder you will make it for yourself. Sex is great, it's wonderful, but it isn't everything. Make sure you keep putting yourself in situations to meet new people and eventually you will meet a like minded person and have that connection. Good luck!

But what is the problem people have with him? What does he do in his works that make him so despised? http://ask.fm/Clarknova/answer/128118929129

Look at that list of work! All of it's bad. All of it. When someone sees his name as writer on a promising project, they know it will be badly written and end up a failed work. That bums people out, and it should.

I'm 15 and My mom and dad divorced, I live with my dad and his girlfriend, He's always at work or going out with his gf, I don't talk to her much. I feel so alone since my mom left, It's not the same.I have a nanny and a chef and the nice things but I still feel so lonely and empty. Any advice?

Well that sucks, I'm sorry. Speaking of Mom, how often do you visit her? Maybe you need to see her more often? As far as your Dad, I think it's important that you tell him how you're feeling. You're 15, he may be just trying to give you your space to be a teenager and hang out with friends, you know? I say let him know how you feel. Otherwise, if home feels lonely, try to figure out more activities to do with friends out of the house. Divorce is always hard and awkward and very few people handle it right, to be honest. I've found that within families, communication is really the best way to combat any issue, though. Let Dad know how you feel and see if that helps change things. Good luck.

You introduced me to Metropolis on Pre-Flight. Thanks so much, it's now one of my favorite movies

Isn't it great? Weird how it's so overlooked.


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