
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why are IGPX DVDs so expensive? And when will the new release be coming out?

Logan fryer
They're expensive because they are long out of print and people are jacking up the price. Nothing to do with us. I don't know when the re-release will be, sorry!

Thanks for running that Run the Jewels music video. Not only very topical, but also very beautiful. Don't think I've seen anything like that on TV before.

Alex Peal
Thanks, glad you dug it.

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Do you know if Steve Blum will be at Momocon during the Toonami panel?

Sadly he will not. He has other commitments.

Toonami and Adult Swim are playing Death Grips music? http://youtu.be/xoUSJ4xlzS0

Been doing it for a while now. We premiered a track and interviewed them for Adult Swim Singles when "The Money Store" came out. We've been supporting for a while now.

What, no Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker? Or is that in a separate category then all of DC animated movies?

I assumed they meant the newer DC movies, the ones produced in the last 5 years or so. But thanks for chiming in.

What are your top 5 DC animated movies?

As far as TRULY great ones, I pretty much only think The Dark Knight Returns gets there. Decent ones include Batman Year One, Justice League: The New Frontier, Batman: Gotham Nights, and Superman: Doomsday.
Liked by: Enemy Otaco

Im going back to College in the fall. My TRUE interest lies in Video Arts & Technology and i hope to transfer into a university after 2yrs in a community college. But im torn between Nursing & Video Arts because i want to be safe and have something to fall back on so i wont be screwed in the long ru

Either one is a career path that can offer stability, but Nursing is in way greater demand, and you can concretely help people on a daily basis. Depending on what you do with a Video/Tech degree, you can make a decent living at that, too. Go with your gut!

Have you ever had a period in your life where you were worried about being able to provide for your family? I'm up most nights, worrying/thinking about how I'm going to provide for my wife and 2 little girls.

No, thank God I haven't, and I can only imagine the stress you must be going through. Times are hard and I know what it's like to worry about loved ones. I wish you all the best.

Hey Jason, to kinda go along with that person thanking you for the bullies speech, thanks for sticking to Toonami's roots with that. Some people would say that being on AS means Toonami skews older to a demo that doesn't need advice about bullies but that's BS. It's as relevant now as ever.

Thanks, I'm getting a lot of messages like this and it's good to know that there's still room in Toonami for some people to hear positive messages.

What occupation would you probably yourself having or pursuing if you weren't doing what you currently do?

Dunno, either construction or teaching maybe?

I am just getting back from a vacation with m y friends, We went to party in Argentina. I was badly beat up and robbed in Argentina while walking to hotel at night by myself. We Want to go on another, Any safe places u recommend? Any places you DON'T recommend?

Well, I would say in general you should always stick together with your friends when traveling in an unfamiliar place. Sorry you got beat up though that sucks!! As far as places to recommend, I felt super safe virtually everywhere I went in Tokyo, and it's my understanding that there isn't a ton of contact crime there. Also felt very safe in Barcelona. I recommend both cities!
Liked by: Alex J

I switched my major in the middle of this semester at my comm college, and pretty much lost interest/focus in the classes I was already taking since I no longer needed them. I regret not dropping, and failed two of them. I know I don't need them now, but is there anything I should be worried about?

Well, it's hard to say. Switching majors isn't always a big deal, failing classes usually is. It kind of all depends on how badly it affected your GPA...

Your thoughts on technology and social networking? And how it affects the younger generation? Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRl8EIhrQjQ

KevinJKindel’s Profile PhotoThe KJK!
I can't handle that stupid spoken word nonsense, but I generally think it's affecting all of us in ways we have yet to understand, some positive and some negative. I think it will always be important to make time to spend with other humans in REAL LIFE and have REAL LIFE experiences to balance out all of our time on the net.
Liked by: The KJK!

I know this isn't a question but I just wanted to say thank you for showing the "bullies speech" on T.V. I get bullied almost every single day at my high school and I teared up a little when I saw it on T.V. I'm not afraid to stand up to my bully anymore.

Glad to hear it helped you, even a little bit. Good luck standing up to your bully! You can do it!

Can we expect at least one new show acquisition announcement at Momocon?

You can expect to have to go to Momocon to find out!

did you hear about that 15 year old girl that started a magazine and broke the world record for "Youngest Editor-in-Chief"? what do you think about the rise of all these young people making art, music, etc.

I think it's great that she did that. I'm not sure what the "rise" you are talking about is, though. Seems to me there have always been plenty of young people making interesting stuff.


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