
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you think life in America is alot more stale and lifeless compared to the 90s and 00's?

Absolutely not, that sounds like nostalgia peddling bullshit to me.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

I'm an aspiring artist dreaming of being a record producer/beat maker and have been at it for 3 years now. I just turned 20 a few days ago and I'm currently not in school, but I am slowly building a following. Would going to college be a good move or is it possible to be successful independently?

It depends on what you want out of college, honestly. Beat making, as a living, is going to be a long hard road you will need to dedicate yourself to fully to be able to achieve any real success. You'll also have to have luck on your side. With college, you will learn a bunch of different things, any of which could have value and out you on the path that eventually leads to you doing whatever you will end up doing with your life. In college you learn how to throw yourself into a new social circle, and to challenge yourself and expand your mind with new thoughts and ideas. You may also learn new techniques that make your music even better. College doesn't mean what it used to in terms of securing a job, but it usually doesn't hurt, either. It really depends on what you want out of the future and how much money and free time you might have to go to school. Good luck.

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thoughts on the "The Batman" cartoon? a lot of people didn't really seem to like it, but it was definitely a personal favourite (excluding Batman: TAS)!

I liked it. I liked that they took some risks and shook things up, which has been badly needed in Batman toons for a while. Not as successful as B:TAS or Batman Beyond, but still well worth watching and a fun twist on the mythos.
Liked by: Brad Smith

I love the Pokemon series but do you think the franchise is getting stale with them releasing a new Pokemon game every year.

I'd like to see them switch things up a bit more, for sure.

I've always kind of felt that the intense loathing of SAO was simply a reaction to how others felt it was the best thing ever. Do you think that might have played a role? I've always felt it's an okay show myself. Certain issues people take with it are clear overblown (like supposed rape and incest)

Alex Peal
Maybe. But I have no patience for people overreacting to perceived hype. Anime fandom can be a self-generating echo chamber and I think a lot of the reactions to certain newer shows are simply irrelevant to the actual content.

Why are you not interested in "Daredevil?" It's actually really good.

As I've said in many times and in many ways, I'm kind of tired of superhero stuff and just have no interest. "Action" TV (LIVE action anyway) has never been something I have any real interest in. I think generally movies do action better, and TV does novelistic long form storytelling better. I'm glad you think Daredevil is "really good" but I'm pretty much over white dudes in costumes and their sad stories. Enjoy the show, it's just not for me.
Liked by: Ronnie Lee

Toonami prefllght is so awesome man. Every day when I come home from school I watch it and i'm always entertained. Thanks man.

Thanks, happy to entertain!

Thanks for getting me into Run the Jewels in the past year or so. I thought I heard them in the ending credits for the Silicon Valley season premiere last night and it was confirmed in the credits. Made me happy to know them and see a good show likes them enough to play them.

Cool glad you dig em!

My dad left my mom when I was just 7, i'm 18 now and I never seen him since but he had a relative call me to tell me that he needs a kidney. His other two children denied him and now he's wants my kidney. kidney problems run on his his side of the family. advice?

You have no obligation to give him your kidney, if you don't want to. He clearly hasn't made an effort to see you or take care of you, so it sucks that he's asking you now for something this huge. I'd talk to your Mom and your other family members and see what they say; you're still young to make a decision this massive all on your own. But you don't owe him anything. Good luck.

Any suggestions for making getting through my retail job day to day any better for me? I'm a cashier at a grocery store and many many days I feel like I'd quit if I could afford to because of how much of a pain dealing with rude customers hour after hour can be. That and the tedium and monotony.

Yeah, retail jobs can absolutely suck, that's just the nature of that kind of work. If you can't quit and look for another job, maybe you can ask to work in a section of the store that bothers you less, or maybe work in the back if you can, so you don't have to deal with people? There's not going to be much you can do about the tedium and monotony, that's just retail. But maybe you can remove dealing with people. Either way, good luck.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

I think me girlfriend may still have feelings for her ex. She used to date him and he cheated on her with a bestie (I asked about this b4) It hurts her to see them together and when people bring it up. Does it mean she still likes him? Is it normal to still have feelings for an ex?

Of course it's normal. It's also normal to not want to see your ex with the person they cheated on you with, especially if it was your best friend! The LAST thing she needs is for you to be insecure about it. Give her space to have feelings, and try not to be insecure, it won't help. Good luck.

Whats so good about Gucci mane?

Rap is about wordplay, concepts, punchlines, breath control, beat selection, and flow. Gucci is a master at the last four.

I've been out of college for about a year and still haven't landed a full-time job. Got great grades, just lack a specific-enough degree and experience. I also have no idea what I want to do with my life. Any advice on how to "find myself" and figure out a life path without going back to school?

This is a question I get pretty often, and one some of my friends and family still struggle with in their 30s and 40s. I've thought about it a lot. I tend to I think the answer will be different for each person. I myself have been lucky enough to fall into a career that lines up with my personal interests and has remained both fulfilling, and an open vessel for my drive- which, according to those I know, is uncommonly strong. I think in the US in particular, society places way too much importance on the role of the career in people's lives. Every party you go to, the first question out of the mouths of people you might meet is "what do you do?" It's not healthy. We are all so much more than what we DO.
Maybe the trick is not to imagine that you'll get the perfect job that fulfills your every desire, but instead to understand that a job is just a job. There are good ones and bad ones. Try and find a job that doesn't grind you down, and allows you to ply a skill or explore an interest. Look at every job as a potential learning tool that can help you become a more well-rounded person. And realize that you are more than a career. You are the sum of everything you've learned and experienced, all of your interests and skills and friendships, and that's more than any job can contain. Good luck.

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Was the track used for Big O in the old days a Chris Devoe remix of the original theme by any chance?

Cant remember, sorry!

Hi Jason I need some advice on college.I am half way through my associates degree in Office administration and I feel so burnt out.I am working at my college also which is nice but between both I am so tired.I don't even wanna think about my bachelor's right now.Is there a better way to pace myself?

I'm not sure. I myself worked my way through college and paid for my own education (along with student loans and my mom taking out a loan for me). I worked in high school too. Honestly, none of that comes close to the work I have put into my career POST school. So I guess I might not be the best person to ask? I'd say, figure out how to work hard at what you are doing and still find some time now and again for a breather so you don't get overwhelmed. How you manage that is really up to you. Good luck!

During the TOM3 era you had a lot of bumps that were interplanetary and showed surfaces of planets. Was this a change you guys wanted to make to change the dynamic some of the bumps during Toonami from just dark tones in space to other vibrant schemes?

We just had more money at the time, so we expanded the scope of our world. I'd love to do that again some day.

Were the 90's good to you?

Do you mean, do I think the 90's were good, or was MY life good in the 90's? My life is infinitely better now than it was in the 90's, although it wasn't terrible then. And as a decade, eh- I've seen better.


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