
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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wut u think of rise against

A not bad, wildly overpraised band with a great story and a very brave lead singer.

I dropped out of highschool. Is this going to ruin my future?

I don't think so! I DO encourage you to at least try to get your G.E.D., though. I know people who are successful who didn't graduate high school, but they certainly had a long road to success. Ultimately, if you figure out something you're good at and work on that with absolute focus, that can be just as valuable as any sort of broad education, depending on the field of study. Good luck.

I like a huge variety of music of all genres. Flatbush Zombies, Asking Alexandria, Burial, Hans Zimmer, you name it. I have trouble though finding people that are also varied in musical taste to talk with. Any advice on how to encourage my current friends to participate in musical discussion?

I'm not sure. I mean, I have many friends who listen to totally different music than I do, and I didn't seek any of them out for their musical knowledge. Of all of my friends, there are only about two whom I look to to have music conversations, and they are not coincidentally the only two buddies who are as obsessed with music as I am. I'd say, for now just look for music writers and blogs online who post about stuff you're interested in, and keep asking your friends what artists they like. At some point, you'll meet someone at a show etc who will be someone you enjoy talking about music with. Good luck!

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Hey could I ask for a bit of advice? I'm 16 years old, and I just got out of a tough 3 year relationship, but I also had sort of an other thing going on a little bit before it ended. I know it wasn't right of me, but it ended up happening. Now me and HER aren't on good terms! What should I do?

Well, I'm sorry but the damage has been done. You're right, it was wrong of you to cheat, and the best thing to do is own up to your mistake, move on, and try not to do it again. Cheating is a very slippery slope, my friend, and I'd advise you to take hard line against ever doing it again. And as for HER, I'd just leave her be. You blew it, but you can recognize your mistake, learn from it, and resolve to do better by your partners next time. That's what an adult does. Good luck.
Liked by: Claire nik

if your pet could talk for 5 minutes what would it say to you?

I have four pets, so that would orb ably be some RASHOMON type shit with all of them having a different opinion.

I been meaning to get in Gundam for ages now, but the sheer amount of content available is a bit overwhelming. Were do I even begin???

I'd say the Mobile Suit Gundam movie trilogy is a great place to begin if you just want to get in on the ground floor of the mythology. For me, Gundam Wing, while not 'canon' (aka occurring in the Gundam Universal Century timeline), is also a great place for someone new to the idea of Gundams to start. Finally, you could try to get your hands on the upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam Origins movie! Good luck!
Liked by: JP the 3rd

Excluding that crappy 98 'zilla one. What do you think is the WORST Godzilla movie?


How sensitive and tolerant are you to animation errors?

I certainly notice them but unless they are particularly egregious and/or happen often, they don't affect my enjoyment of a good show.

Any thoughts on Dr. Slump? Why do think so little of the franchise has been brought over despite Dragon Ball's success? Four of the movies have been released by Discotek but that's it.

I think Dr. Slump is a comedy, and those are always harder to translate across cultures.
Liked by: Claire

Do you get the general sense that most SAO II haters haven't actually watched it and are basing their bashes on te first series? I mean just last saturdays episode alone should be enough to show anyone watching that this is a HUGE step up! And I didn't even hate the first one.

I dunno, there are definitely valid criticisms one could make about either season, for sure. At the same time, in the world of the weeabo, everything is either SHIT or THE BEST EVER, and I think some of the "consensus" about SAO being "bad" comes from a group of people smelling their own farts and calling it accepted wisdom. I don't think SAO is the best show Toonami has ever aired, but I do like it and enjoy watching it, despite its faults. Which seems to be what most viewers feel. Thankfully, most normal humans are more reasonable than weeabos.

Watch a show with fugly visuals but mind-blowing story, or mind-blowing visuals but probably the crappiest story you've ever seen?

Totally depends on the show.

Why even bother responding to the trolls that want to be edgy by telling up they hate a show on Toonami? You're just giving them the attention they desire

You have no idea how many trolls I get. The ones I answer aren't even a tenth. And I do it because I enjoy putting them in their place.

Are you watching Game of thrones tonite?

Yes! More excited for Mad Men, tbh, but looking forward to them both!

What is the David O. Russell movie that you think is good? What are the not bad ones?


Have you been jumped before? I got jumped today at school.

I have, and I'm sorry you had to deal with it.

Did you watch the Stargate TV series? If so did you enjoy it and/or the spin off series?

Nah never watched it.

Since you're getting some hate over it, I just wanna say I'm digging SAO2 more than the first series, and I enjoyed tonight's. Also, those spots with Killer Mike's words of wisdom are great. I don't really listen to rap, but I really dig him all the same! I can see why you guys made them.

Alex Peal

What is your reaction to people not liking anime like SAO or some eps of Shippuden?

They are a very vocal minority, and as always, ratings disagree with them.


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