
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Did you like sword art online? I didn't. I'm a girl so it probably explains why I don't like it. None of the females are great role models like the females in black lagoon or kill la kill. They act more like wives to the main character :/

I don't think that's entirely true but I definitely think the women in SAO aren't as badass as the ladies of Black Lagoon or KLK. I did like the show, but the characterizations were it's weakest point for me.

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So what did you think of that live action AoT teaser trailer?

We'll be talking about it on Pre-Flight!

My daughter has downloaded this new app called KIk and after googling it I found that sexual predators can use it to target children. Should I make her delete it she's only 15? Do you know of it? Advice?

It's all about who she's talking to on there. Most kids are just using it as a cheap alternative to texting. If she's texting friends and not strangers, I think you'll be okay. But it would make sense to find out. Good luck!

Why do you think makes One Piece not as popular here as DBZ, Naruto and Attack on Titan?

ANewMoose’s Profile PhotoMoose
I think there's something quintessentially Japanese about the characters and the art style that American audiences haven't fully warmed up to in the way they have with other shows. It's also an INCREDIBLY long running show that it's hard to just jump into, and it has a unique mix of goofiness and seriousness that can make it a tonal challenge for non hardcore fans.

Don't you just love how cute little anons tell you how to run a television block, yet they never even had any experience in the tv biz ^__^

I actually DON'T love it, lol

I always found One Piece a bit too weird. While I still watch the show, it's a bit too 'out there' for my tastes Is this common?

I think it is, sadly.

Thank you for turning me on to biggie. I am not really a fan of rap music, but holy sweet jesus *brain explodes* ...... i love this guy

Awesome! I'm so happy I turned someone on to Biggie!

Do you have any kind words to share with us about the '98 godzilla movie?

No, it's pretty much a total disaster and should never have happened. Horrible.
Liked by: Michael Warming

Were you a Mac user prior to getting into an industry that leans heavily towards Mac use or did you become a Mac user as a result of it being used in the industry? I ask because I'm a Windows user that is facing jumping into a job that uses nothing but Macs and I'm wondering how it went for you.

I was a Mac user prior to work, but my college had all Macs too, and I couldn't afford a personal computer so I used those. Macs are easy to use but hard to master. You'll be okay. Windows mostly copied the Mac interface anyway, so it's not insanely different.

Do you like Jay Electronica's music?

I like it AIGHT but I don't understand the frothing at the mouth over the meager few tracks he's given us over the last five years. Put out your record, dude, put up or shut up. Right now he's a lot of hot air.

Any tips for college students trying to break into the television/animation industry?

Work very hard and collaborate with good people. Build a great reel and make as many connections as possible. Apply EVERYWHERE. IF you get a gig, bust your ass and don't complain, and if you do great work, you will be okay. Good luck!

How old were you when you started watching Dragon Ball?

Didn't start watching Dragon Ball until after I was way into DBZ.

Is it true that you almost died in 2013 because of your back surgery?

It wasn't back surgery, and yeah I crashed out on the table.

I'm trying to help a friend out. Her sister died, but I'm not sure how to help. She keeps mourning over how she's gone and that there's no point in living anymore. Help?

Brendan007’s Profile PhotoBrendan B.
Honestly, when someone is experiencing deep grief like that, it will take a LONG time before she's even close to okay. As her friend, offer her anything she needs, and that includes leaving her be if that's what she wants. She will keep mourning for a long time. Trust me, I know. Grief is something that never really leaves us, it's just something you slowly learn to cope with. Give her patience and love, and if you think she might be about to hurt herself or do something radical, talk to her or let a family member or responsible adult know immediately. But in my experience, the best thing you can do for someone who's grieving over the loss of a loved one is just to BE there for them, and love them through it. Good luck.
Liked by: Brendan B.

Advice on trying to have a relationship with a girl that is damage from her previous relationships, her last last guy really hurt her by sleeping her best friend in secret. I feel like don't know what to say to her sometimes, How do I help her move on?

Well, the best thing you can do when dating someone who is still hurting from a previous relationship is generally give them the space and understanding to work through their feelings about it. And ask yourself: is she really READY to be in a relationship? Are you asking too much of her right now? Maybe what she really needs is a friend? If you don't think that's true, then the thing to do is let her feel what she feels and try to be understanding. Listening can go a long way. Beyond that, just try to be the example of the type of person who would never treat her the way her previous partner did. Good luck!

For the love of all that is holy please, have some sort of track listing on bumps. The one that played during the "Halle Berry needs to do a sequel to Catwoman" was awesome and now I cant find out what the track was :(

Sorry, it would be extremely tedious and impractical to try to list EVERY song we use in every bump. Have you been to bumpworthy.com? They archive all of our bumps, and usually crowdsource the music...


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