
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Can you please wear something anime related to the convention? Even if its like a hat or chain, wristband etc.

I'll be wearing a TOONAMI shirt, and that's anime related.

How did you ask.fm turn into an advice column?

People started asking me for advice and I did my best to answer their questions, and it keeps happening more and more. I'm just happy and hopeful I can help anyone at all.

Can I get a hug at momocon? I'm a guy,

Not really much into hugging strangers, male or female. A handshake is probably the best move!

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Did you review any other consoles besides the Dreamcast, XBOX, and Wii? Or was that just about it?

Think that's it, maybe we did one for the One?

Did you ever get a chance to see Ride back in the day? Legends say they were one of the greatest live bands ever, and even that acoustic set from last month sounded really good.

I did see them back in the day, they were very good live. I have no interest in the reunion though.

hi Jason what do you think of the metal band Amon Amarth?

I like 'em aight. Not generally a big fan of Viking Metal, but they're one of the few I can listen to.

Hey, Jason. I just want to thank you for your contributions to late night television. I was wondering if you had any advice for best makers who wanted to make music for commercials or television shows. How would you suggest I begin this journey? Thanks! I always feared asking you this because I know

Thanks for the kind words. To answer your question, I'd say it depends on what KIND of music you want to make. A great opening, lots of changes, and a busy tempo are usually things I look for myself when choosing music for things we are cutting. Work hard and make lots of music, figure out where your strengths lie, and make music that utilizes those strengths. Once you have some tracks you feel good about, look for companies that rep musicians who make music for spots. There are a ton out there. Decent placements will take a while to get, but they can net you good money if you are lucky enough to get them. Good luck!

What genre of music do you listen to often?

Probably the very broad genre of "electronic," or of course, hip hop.

Do you have a personal favorite Toonami speech, or one that you're particularly happy with how it came out?

I really liked the "Anger" speech, it was one that came from a pretty person place for me, and one I've heard has helped some folks.

you had pretty good taste in high school, man.

Ha don't worry I liked a bunch of other bullshit I've pretty much forgotten about. As the years pass, you tend to remember the things you loved more than the stuff you were just kind of into.

I'm not really into metal music? It seems too fast paced for me? Is this normal?

Of course. Everyone has different tastes, and there's nothing wrong with just saying "this isn't for me."

I have to be honest, I did not know that The Departed was a remake until I read your answer below. So, thanks for the random info, I guess that was n00b of me.

My pleasure! You really should check out the original trilogy of Hong Kong thrillers it came from, the "Infernal Affairs" trilogy.

Do you still listen to any metal?

Of course! Currently enjoying the new Liturgy, Sannhet, Ghost Bath, Lightning Bolt, Mastery, Oceans Ate Alaska, Nux Vomica, Pyramids,The Body/Thou, The Great Old Ones, Thantifax, Torche, Helms Alee, and Code Orange Kids records.
Liked by: Tyler

Why does Linkin Park suck?

I don't think one can say why they suck, like, SCIENTIFICALLY, but I hate the way they cram meathead rapping, goth/industrial elements, metal and emo into one awful package. It's very ingenious but I find it emotionally dead, which is weird because heightened emotion is pretty much the point of everything they're doing.

Thoughts on barracuda and the band Heart?

Barracuda is obvs one of the greatest riffs of all time, and launched a thousand guitar lessons, along with Smoke on the Water and various other easy to play riffs that sound badass. As for Heart, I was never a huge fan, although of course they have some jams.


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