
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Should I take AP music theory at my high school next year? I'm a junior and I have little to no experience with music theory. I make some electronic and hip-hop beats on ableton, and I want to be able to expand my knowledge more.

I'd say give it a whirl. You can always drop down to the next level or switch out if it doesn't work out. But be aware, jumping into an AP level course will be hard to do and will require a lot of dedication. Good luck!

Advice for a dude whose first girlfriend just dumped him?

Dust yourself off, give yourself some time to be sad (without being weird about it), and let yourself move on. You'll find someone else eventually, promise!

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I diden't take any AP classes in my freshman year? Am I going to end up okay?

Most high schools don't even offer AP classes in freshman year, you'll be fine.

Do you have any favorite foreign horror films?


5 albums you'd take with you on a desert island?

Aphex Twin- Selected Ambient Works, Volume One
Burial- Singles collection (a few EPs basically)
Cocteau Twins- Heaven or Las Vegas
Ice Cube- Death Certificate
My Bloody Valentine- Loveless

this year is my last year of high school. However, 1 of my "friends" decided to turn against me for no reason & now everyone is constantly bullying me. Even my teacher advisor called me a loser/retard at one point. I fought people a few times, but worse only came out of that. What should I do??

Well that's awful, I'm sorry. High school can be a cesspool of this kind of behavior. Regardless of what your former friend is doing, it's totally unacceptable for a teacher to call you any sort of name and you should let your parents know about that! If you're in your senior year, I urge you to just stick it out, you only have a couple of months left and then you're done with it forever. Short of that, keep avoiding conflict when you can, fighting people when they give you no choice, and seeing if you can get an adult at the school whom you can trust to advocate for you and help you. And of course, I'd hope your parents are willing to speak to the school administration about this as well. Good luck... you're almost there!

On the Toonami faithful podcast you really hit on some interesting points concerning television marketing to children can we expect more oppionated discussions like that one on the new show?

Watch and find out! ;)

Do You Consider It More Important To Be Liked Or Respected? Why?

Lucas Lara
I don't care about either one, really. I consider it important to be there for the people I love, and to be as honest, forthright and kind in all things as I possibly can. I honestly don't care if people I don't know like or respect me, although I certainly appreciate it when they do!
Liked by: Lucas Lara

Hey Jason. I'm in quite a pickle with my girlfriend. We're fine but it's her parents! Their beliefs are against interracial (I'm black, she's white) and we date in secret. They also believe I posted a nasty article about her dad being racist (he's a cop) online so they already dislike me. Advice?

Wow, that sucks, I'm sorry! I kind of dealt with a situation like this when I was in high school. I was dating a girl whose parents were uber religious and were made that I wasn't, thought I was going to hell. We had to basically hide our dating for a long time, and eventually, they broke us up. I'm not sure how serious you are with your girlfriend, but there's not a lot YOU can really do. Not sure why they think you posted some article about her dad online if you didn't, but I'm sensing there's more to this story maybe? Either way, it's your GFs job to come clean with her parents, and tell them that she thinks they are being racists, and see if she can get them to understand why you are important to her and that she'd like them to accept you. Changing irrational beliefs in adults takes a lot of time and hard work, and it can be traumatic for all involved. If you LOVE each other, I'd say it's worth a try. But be prepared for a long and bitter fight. Good luck.

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What does it mean when people call me pretty boy?

Probably that you're attractive, and that they want you to think you're a wimp.

do you think Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever?

I don't think anything is "the best ever" but I think Seinfeld is ONE of the best sitcoms with a very large influence on the sitcoms that came after it, and an impact on larger culture that continues to be felt to this day.

Gorillaz have a new album allegedly coming out in 2015; do you think they might be able to recapture the magic of the 2000-2001 original?


This question format makes me feel obsequious, how does it make you feel?

It makes me feel like someone who enjoys answering sincere questions. Not sure why simply asking someone a question feels obsequious to you, it's really more about what question you ASK and how it's asked, that would make the act obsequious.

Have you watched Treme and if so, what did you think of it? Seems like a lot of people have overlooked it like when The Wire first aired haha.

I liked Treme but couldn't get past the second season. I'm not a huge fan of New Orleans, and especially of New Orleans jazz, and there were so man musical interludes every episode, I just eventually got tired of it.

If the crew is not getting paid to do Toonami, but [as] still has control over the length of the block and can still write of shows, do you personally consider Toonami as independent television?

No, not really. It's still a part of a massive media corporation. It's just run a bit differently.

do you like giving advice?

I feel a responsibility to try to give the best advice I can when asked. I feel good when someone tells me it helped, sure.

My parents are taking off to Greece, the philipines then africa to become missionaries for years and stop sex trafficking and homelessness, they are taking me with them and I have to leave my friends. How can I tell them I don't want 2 be a missionary? does that make me shelfish? i feel bad. advice

I'm sorry about that. First, not wanting to sacrifice your home and friends does NOT make you selfish, it makes you human. Sounds like you're not going to be able to change your parents' minds, if they are so committed they are willing to rip you out of your life to fulfill their own wishes. If you feel like you need to let them know, the best thing is just to sit down with them and tell them how you feel. If you have any other relatives you could stay with while your parents are gone, maybe you could suggest that they leave you behind? Otherwise there's not a lot you can do besides letting them know that you are unhappy with their decision and feel it will affect your life in a negative way. I'm sorry I don't have better advice for you, but that's all I can think of. Good luck.

Best shotgun for home defense, double barrel or pump?

Pump. More ammo, still more than enough power, and I've read multiple times that many times, the sound of a shotgun's round being racked into the chamber is enough to scare a criminal/make them understand what's about to happen. Not sure if it's true but it makes sense to me.

LOL at you wanting Cotillard to win another Oscar. Don't think she deserves a second one... yet! Julianne Moore needed it badly. Just saw 'HTTYD2' and thought it was well made but quite boring. Your thoughts? Can't believe it was nominated and Lego Movie wasn't.

I don't care if she had an Oscar already, she still have the best performance I saw all year. As I said, Julianne Moore was overdue for hers. Re: HTTYD 2, I thought it was wonderful, one of the better animated films this year and certainly superior to the original. I enjoyed it as much as LEGO MOVIE, which I really enjoyed as well. This was a great year for animation.


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