
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Looks like the block cut paid off. Jason you are a danm GENIUS. Great idea.

Thanks for the compliment but it wasn't my idea, it was the programming dept.

Have you thought of airing DBZ Kai in 16:9 just as a test?

No. We'd rather not crop the image. What's the point of remastering it if you then just blow it up and cut it off?
Liked by: Brad Smith Duelist

Would the new Toonami Talkshow Livestream channel possibly include other content besides the podcast, like maybe a few shows that no longer air on Toonami, yet for which [as] still has the internet rights?

No, it won't.

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Hey, if I send you guys at [adultswim] screenshots of every [adultswim] bumper with the logo hidden in it circled, what do I win? :D

That would be about 400 bumps, so if you actually did do that, we'd figure out something to send you!

Since Only Yesterday is the only Studio Ghibli film to never receive a dub or official U.S. release do you think it will ever appear officially here in the States? Also what did you think of that movie?

I like it a lot. It did air on TCM subbed, and I doubt it will ever be dubbed. I think it's definitely of a piece with Takahata's other work.

what did u think of Tomorrow's Harvest by Boards of Canada? do u think its up there with their other albums?

Yes, I think it slots in very nicely. I find pretty much all of Boards of Canada's work to be of a piece, in terms of quality.

I want to send you drawings I have made, but there isn't a little camera picture in the corner of where I am typing like it should be. I mean, it never has been there, but you told me to click on it and take a pic, but it's just not there. What should I do?

I dunno man, I'm not a tech support person. Sorry.

I don't know who handles the adding "outer space" background thing to Dragon Ball Z Kai, but you might wanna tell em they're cutting a bit of the credits at the end. Heck, I don't even know why you crop it to fullscreen to add the space bars when it's already been cropped to widescreen. :/

We don't, know it all anon. DBZ was originally created in a square (4x3) format, not a rectangular one (16x9). What you see on our air is the FULL image and the only way to see it without losing exactly the information you are talking about on either side. Nothing's cut off, and all the space bars are doing is filling space that would normally be left black, not covering any of DBZ.

What's your favorite Adult Swim bump? Mine's probably the old "The Dawn Is Your Enemy" sign-off bump.

Don't have a favorite!

I'm watching Serial Experiments Lain this week. Loving it so far. What about it do you really love?

I love the creepy, quiet feel of the show. I love how it puts you in Lain's head. I love the vibrating buzz of the wires overhead as she walks to school. Just a great show.

Will the Toonami Podcast you and Gill do just be a livestream or will there be a way for others to be able to watch/listen when they aren't able to catch the livestream?

It will repeat on a loop for a week, until the next one goes up.

What does "pretty firmly straight" mean???

Doesn't seem like it would require more explanation. I'm heterosexual. Have never felt any other way. Seems pretty simple to wrap your head around?

Why did you block me?? I did nothing to you?

I block people for a couple of reasons: 1) spamming me with the same question. 2) trolling or being rude. 3) asking me stupid shit. If I blocked you, you did one of those three things.

Do you want us to send our questions and answers here for the Toonami podcast, or on the Toonami tumblr using the ask section?

Toonami tumblr, please. Thanks!


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