
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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"Mike Lazzo hates anime!" Is there anyway to deal with these people? I don't know the guy personally like you do but come on man. These people...

Just don't bother. People will believe whatever they want to believe, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

Do you think Kanye knows that Beck plays a bunch of instruments and writes his own songs when he complains about a lack of artistry for someone who needs a committee of guys to write anything she makes?

You are oversimplifying in the extreme, and your assumption that Kanye is ignorant says a lot about you. I don't care about any of it. The Grammys are for suckers. A rigged game with no meaning at all. At the very least Kanye continues to keep them from being so fucking boring.

has being a father changed your perspective on life at all?

Yes, in so many ways I can't even really articulate them all. It's been one of the greatest challenges and joys of my life thus far.

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What's the best season of the wire

Some would say Three, I say Four. The entire school storyline is devastating, and important.

Do you think that physical books will die out? I REALLY don't want them to die out because I can't stand digital books.

I think they may, one day. But I don't read digital books, so I hope it's not until after I'm long gone. I'm no Luddite, but for me, reading a paper book just feels better.
Liked by: Duelist Claire

In terms of video game systems, have you ever owned anything obscure, or have you mostly stuck to a generations big 2 or 3 game systems?

Alex Peal
Mostly the big ones.

Have you seen Better Call Saul? If so what do you think about it?

I was on vacation somewhere without a TV, so I'll be checking it out this week!

OK, so I finally want to get into Akira. Do I watch the movie first, or read the manga first?

I'd say movie first. Then read the manga, and things will make more sense. Then watch the movie again.

I'm the anon with the Cystic fibrosis and its given me a whole new perspective on life, Your advice and reading about your mother really inspired to me to fight cf and enjoy life. Thanks.

Thank you so much for letting me know. And keep fighting the good fight!

Jason, I took some vacation time but I don't know where to go? Any recommendation

Somewhere with a great beach, great food, or great culture. Or all three.

Is the illuminati really a big part of adult swim and toonami or is it just all fun and games?

There is no such thing as the Illuminati. But it's fun to make fun of insane people who constantly question your motives.

a friend of mine said he heard one of Death Grips instrumental songs on Adult Swim? Can you confirm or deny?

Yes, we have the rights to the last album. You'll be hearing a lot of it.
Liked by: Duelist

What are some good space opera books?

I'm not a HUGE fan of that genre, but I'd go with any Heinlein, Frank Hebert's "Dune" books, Arthur C. Clarke's "2001" and "Rama" books, Dan Simmons "Hyperion," and if you can forget about his awful politics (I can't), Orson Scott Card's "Ender" books are pretty good.

Why do you believe its wrong for a parent to beat their child? I think it should be up to the parent to decide if beatings are the proper method of controlling an out of control child as long as its done with love.

Re-read what you wrote. You don't BEAT someone you love. Period, end of story. Especially someone who can't defend themselves. I've raised a pretty amazing daughter and never felt the need to hit her. Come back to me when you have a kid of your own. Until then, I'm not really interested in your opinion, anon.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

Do unexpected scheduling changes usually hurt ratings not just toonami but for any show or block in general?

That is a general truism, but not always.

lol why does every always think your not into metal on here?

Probably because I talk about rap music more. I listen to tons of metal, I just don't talk about it as much b/c not as many of my online friends are into it. I have a lot of metalhead friends irl.

Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life?

Uriah Stokes
Hmmm maybe to help provide people with the same release and escape from their worries that art has given me. And to take care of my family and friends.
Liked by: Uriah Stokes


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