
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Have you ever had a boss that didn't remember your name etc. like the anon from a previous question?

Nope. Don't know how much I'd care, depending on the job.

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Why does [AS] constantly shit on anime fans? They're not exactly better for running stoner commercials and family guy reruns.

Man, years later and you guys who don't understand jokes STILL hang around upset, huh? Adult Swim doesn't shit on anime fans, they tell jokes. About everything. Meanwhile they are the only network to have played anime non-stop for over 12 years. Yes, they're SOOO MEAN!!!

Have you been blocked by someone on twitter before? This happened to me.

I don't know if anyone has ever blocked me, but then again, I don't really do anything to get blocked, so...

I have a bad habit of picking my boogers and eating them, how do I stop this bad habit?

Stick your finger in your ass, I dunno.
Liked by: Tom

I am having problems "fitting in" at school, nobody wants to be my friend and people describe me as a loner. How do I make friends?

You just have to be yourself and look for opportunities to talk to people. You should consider joining a team or group activity of some kind, sometimes it's easier to meet people during extra-curricular activities. Just keep being yourself, and be open and friendly when people interact with you, and I promise, you'll meet friends. It can be hard, but you're going to be okay.

Do you have any favorite tracks from the Aphex soundcloud dump yet?

Too many to list! It's gonna take me forever to go through them all.

Do you have any other figures etc at home like those rap ones? Would love to see some pics of your various collections. anime/figures/etc

I have a ton at work, I've shared a few photos on the toonami tumblr.

What can I do about my boss forgetting my name even though we worked together for two years. He called me today to inform of my promotion he messed up my name and asked about my wife and daughter, im not married and have a son. Hes very busy but it does irritate me. Any advice?

Honestly? He promoted you, I'd just take the promotion and be happy. This is a minor thing. As long as he's giving you more money, who cares, I say.

Hi Mr. DeMarco, I'm that "bi-anon" you helped last year. From a friend I found the facebook of the guy I was crushing on. Found out from posts he's str8. However, found out he's also accepting of LGBT and after getting to know him we've gotten to be friends! And I'm okay with staying that way.Thanks

Thanks for letting me know!


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