
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm not sure if you can answer this, but you've been able to answer this vaguely in the past so I figure I'll give it a try: any idea if Toonami's budget being effected, too?

Alex Peal
Not at this time!

Great, Toonami is being cut back due to low rating. Have you guys even considered airing one of Sentai Filmworks's anime in Toonami to help save your asses? Log Horizon and Akame Ga Kill are good choices.

It's not about one show "saving our asses," and you're high if you think the answer to ratings issues is "just work with this one company!" Come on.

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Jason I no longer care what shows you have to get just please don't let Toonami get cancelled again, I'm already starting to feel depressed :( Sorry that this isn't really a question..

It's really not in my hands, it's in YOURS. Watch it, and it won't get canceled!

Figure I'll try and ask before everyone else: what's going on with the Toonami schedule?

You read the post, right? Seems pretty clear.

So when singing along to a rap song do you supplement thw N word for something else or just skip over it?

Usually just skip over it.

So when I was in HS (2005-09) there were a lot of channels that had anime on them. Other than Cartoon Network/Adult Swim and the WB/CW, channels like IFC and Syfy had them. Hell, even G4, Starz and Encore had anime on them. Now it seems only CN/Toonami carry anime. What happened with this change?

Nobody watched enough of it. Streaming is slowly killing the idea of anime being a mass market entertainment in the US. There are a ton of complex factors, but right now, that's the biggest one.

So I haven't had a chance to listen lately but did you guys rename Music Bros to Williams Street Music Club? Any reason for the change in particular? I like both names, so it made me wonder.

Just because at some point it stopped being just BROS, so.

What your take on all the controversy with American sniper?

Mostly stupid and overblown. The movie is flawed but not bad at all. It's CLEARLY about the very real cost of war both for the men fighting it and their families caught in the crossfire. Bradley Cooper is great in it, and it draws a striking contrast between what it's like being in a war zone and coming back to adjust to "normal" life. However, in its urge to deal with Chris Kyle's memory (who, let's remember, WAS MURDERED) respectfully, it elides some stuff about his character that could have been very interesting to explore. Stuff like, oh, I dunno, WHAT KIND OF PERSON CAN KILL 160 PEOPLE?? And also, the irony of living by the gun and him being killed by a fellow veteran. Beyond that, the film does very little to humanize Iraqis. It's clearly told from the POV of Kyle, but it goes too far to paint him as a hero. Like most biopics, his real life was a thousand times more interesting. Yet, there are some compelling sequences and it may be Clint Eastwood's most technically accomplished film. With a subject like this, it's going to be easy for people to fall into one of two idealogical camps, and while the film doesn't do enough to push against that idea, it's not totally black and white, either. I doubt people will remember it much in the years to come.

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Liked by: Syon Santeria

what do you say when singing along with rap music and they say the n word? or when a you tell someone hey did you hear "Hot N-word" by Bobby Shmurda?

I generally don't say it, even when singing along, but I think it's okay to say if it's in the title of a work, when you are referring to said work in conversation.
Liked by: Nani⠀☯

Thoughts about that stupidly fake baby in American Sniper?

I cannot imagine giving a fuck about that. I didn't notice it when I saw the movie, at that point you're pretty invested in what's happening between the couple. Only the Internet would make a thing out of something so small and pointless.

Did CN give out watches as employee gifts/awards one year? I say this because I found a watch with the smallest old school logo on it.

No, never.

"Why can't I stop hemorrhaging money on Toonami? Why do I have such shit taste in picking shows? Why can't I stop sucking cocks all the dang time????" -you

"why am I such an anonymous little bigoted fuck that can't do anything but send shitty little messages to strangers I don't know???" -you
Liked by: Adam Martinez Rena


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