
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I read your Ask when I see them on Twitter & gotta say its real cool how you give genuine responses to people, instead of vague answers. Its cool that, aside from being the AWESOME co-creator of the AWESOME Toonami, people can open up & seek advice on personal problems from you. (Sorry for long post

Thanks for saying so.

I taught my friend how to skate a couple years ago, And am slightly better. Last week we get invited to a MAJOR competition. I brake my ankle a week b4. He competes and impresses is near being sponsored by Monster and DC shoes. I'm happy for him but I feel I also deserved those deals. Any advice?

Be happy for your friend. If you're really that good, you'll get another shot eventually at the next competition you get into. In the mean time, let your buddy enjoy himself!

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I have a difficult time expressing myself towards women. Most of the time I have absolutely no idea what to say. My friends think its ridiculous that I'm not in a relationship. I just want to become a better person before I make that leap. Any advice on the path I'm taking?

I'd say, how will you know how to "be a better person" until you've been in a relationship with someone else?

does the adult swim gang take research chemicals?

Ahh, this old joke. Every time people see something "weird" they wanna make it about that the people who made it are crazy or on drugs. We hear it all the time at Adult Swim. We're neither.

I'm graduating in December with a marketing degree but decided to minor in social media marketing. I go to school in the city I grew up in and starting to get pretty bored/depressed with life. I've been looking into social media internships for Complex, Huffington Post, etc. and they are all located

Sorry, your question got cut off. Not sure what you are asking.

In movies, what's the difference between a PRODUCER and a DIRECTOR? I know what the director does, not sure what the role of producer involves.

Well, some Google searching could tell you the answer to this, but here's my version: a Producer is the person who helps get the film off the ground by securing financing and/or a studio that will agree to make the film, and possibly a SECOND company to actually distribute it. In addition, the producer shepherds the "vision" of the film, sometimes even more than the director- or in conjunction with the director. A producer is a pretty essential part of getting any film made. Ideally, besides getting the money they fight the battles with the studio, and help the director get the cast he/she wants, and secure cast. They are all all-purpose motivator and problem solver and protector of the vision of a film. Ideally.

I think I asked you this over Twitter but is Daylight Curfew going to offer more Toonami designs in the future or not at all?

Dunno yet. We've only had the current designs up for a couple of months!

I think my mom needs therapy but she won't listen to reason. She can get very combative with everyone easily and often feels like she's being manipulated even by me because she's a "single black woman" and without going into much detail it scares me and I'm concerned for her. Advice?

Hm this is a hard one. I'd say, you should talk to an adult family member who knows her about this. Maybe the two of you can sit with her and you can explain that you're worried about her? If not that, then maybe there's a doctor, or guidance counselor, or other adult you trust whom you might talk to about how to approach your Mom? If you make it more about the fact that you love her and hate to see her suffer, she may actually listen. I think it's a risk, but for your Mom, I'd say it's worth it. Good luck.

Just some quick thanks to you all for the killer music video from last night. I'm checking out more of Burial, now, so thanks for the rec!

Nice! Hope you like it, he's one of my top three artists.

I had a premature birth. 1 pound lbs and 11 ounces. so I had health problems. I stayed in the N.I.C.U. for 4 months and needed surgery on my stomach to keep food down. lo and behold I came out of all of that alive. I've been through a lot growing up and these shows on Toonami helped a lot. Thank You

Thanks for letting me know, glad we helped!

Is that beat from "A Christmas F*cking Miracle" on the freight boat bump?

Not sure which bump you mean but as Adult Swim funded the creation of RTJ albums one and two, you're likely to hear beats from both records on our air all the time.

Are you on a radio show or something?

I have a streaming webcast twice a week with myself and two co-hosts called "Music Bros," you can see it here right now: adultswim.com/musicbros

What would you say is Mr. Pickles' alignment? I'd say Chaotic Neutral. The general premise of the show is that he's pretty much the antichrist, but there are specific moments in which he shows signs of mercy and does the right thing, even if it's by typically gory measures.

I'd agree with you I think. Chaotic Neutral seems right...

my mother beats me, what do i do??

Oh man I'm so sorry. My wife was a social worker who dealt with issues like this all the time; I hope you don't mind but I consulted her so I didn't give you any bad info. She says the best thing to do is to try to speak to a teacher you trust at school. If they have any corroborative evidence in addition to your statement (bruises, etc), they are required by law in most states to report it. This would result in someone at the state level reaching out to your household. This isn't guaranteed though, it's just a likely outcome. There are also child abuse hotlines in each state, they might help you. Failing all of that, is there another adult you trust whom you might bring this information to? Is there anyone else in your family you could possibly turn to? I urge you to try one of these solutions if you can; whichever makes more sense to you. No matter what, don't give up, and try not to do anything rash like running away, until you can develop a plan. The Internet is a vast resource of information and there are millions like you who have suffered and lived to tell the tale, and can offer you better advice than I can. Use that information to help yourself. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. Good luck to you.

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How do you guys keep making every new music video better than the last one? I mean holy crap "Get Busy Living" was amazing!!


Just stopped by to say I really dug the music video and REALLY digging the fact you're getting Kill la Kill! Don't EVER stop!!!

Glad you're happy!


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