
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What did you major in at college again? I want to major in the same thing so I can get a job like yours someday.

I majored in film/video.

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Do you feel younger or older then your actual age?

Always have felt both 16 and 1000 years old at the same time.

For nerds like me would you guys ever do a youtube video about how the studio create and animates tom and sara? And more behind the scenes stuff in general?

Maybe at some point, but we really don't have very many people working at Toonami and it takes up most of our time getting the stuff on the air, we don't have much left over to make additional behind the scenes stuff!

Often we've heard about how toonami has saved people many times from a rough family life or certain situation...even death. My question is has toonami saved you in some way?

This is a very insightful question, thanks for asking. The answer is, YES! Not only has Toonami been a constant source of fun (and hard work!)n and a way for we, the staff, to communicate our thoughts and feelings to people- and bring them joy and support- it's also provided me with the certainty that no matter what else I do in life, I can go to the grave knowing I actually helped some people. And honestly, that's the best feeling and one I will always be eternally grateful for. Toonami fans have shared so much with me and I hope they continue to do so. You're all the best. ;P

How do you feel about swearing in movies. How much is too much?

Don't care about swearing at all, it never bothers me. I can't even understand the idea of being bothered by it, frankly. They're just words.

Does it ever discourage you that Albums and singles your label puts out fail to make an impact on billboard?

Nah I don't care about that at all, that's not why we do it anyway. Besides which, Killer Mike, Dangerdoom and Dethklok have all charted on Billboard! I prefer giving the music away, though.

Man... I remember buying DangerDoom and MF DOOM hosting [as] for Christmas, I believe? I also remember the Diary of an American Witchdoctor commercials. What do you think of those projects now? They mean a lot to me, I feel they came out when [as] started hitting its stride and I really connected!

Well I'm just glad you remember them. I had a lot of fun working on all of it!

I told my son that his band was good and he believed me and got the band a gig at the middle school fundraiser concer problem is their horrendous and their cover of sweet child of mine is pretty bad. My son is a good drummer. Should I tell them the thruth or let go through with it?

Eh, it's middle school, the stakes aren't that high. Plus, if he's a drummer, he's in the background right? AND if he's the only good thing in the band, that's what people will remember. And for next time, I'd say tell him the truth: You think his playing is awesome, but his band isn't too great. Good luck.

Who's your favorite character from The Wire and why?

I have many. My absolute favs are Bunk, Bubbles, Slim, Cutty and Omar.

Just wanted to say thanks for Toonami and all, been pretty inspirational to me and my sad, little shallow life.... haha. Anyway thanks, you guys rock

Thanks for watching!

Do you know if I can send pictures on Ask? If so, how do I do it?

There's a pic of a camera on the lower left when you comment. Touch it.
Liked by: Claire


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