
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Oh I didn't mean list.I just meant what was your least favorite cartoon of last year, in your opinion. (Besides, I hate it when people do "worst" lists)

I don't have a least fav, sorry.

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This is probably a hard question but what if people have somewhere to be on a Sunday and they have to wake up at, like, 5 am for something like work or whatever. How could they watch Toonami?

DVR it?

I think I'm a workaholic and it's really affecting my social life. Any advice to balance the two?

Hm I might not be the best guy to ask because I'm a workaholic myself, but I'd say if you recognize you have a problem, that's a good first step. It's your life and only you can decide when to pull back from work and spend time with loved ones. If you DON'T want to spend time with them, that's another issue unto itself, you know? I'd start there.

Das Racist - fan?

Yeah I dug 'em, have followed Heems and Kool A.D. post breakup and enjoyed their solo stuff, too.

Hey Jason I'm 23 and a lot of my friends are getting married, having kids, or just starting theirs careers. I'm still in school and I live at my parents house. I feel like I'm living life wrong or something. Any advice

Honestly, your experience is pretty common these days. Look, I did it differently- I was on my own at 18, supporting myself and by 25 I was married and working in my field. My marriage was a mistake but my job wasn't. I don't think the way I did it is "better," though. The economy is fucked and taking your time to get out on your own is not a bad idea. If you FEEL like you're in a rut, you might be in one, though. I'd worry less about what you think you're supposed to do, and decide what you WANT to do. Then work towards that, at your own pace. Good luck!

If Music Bros is live how are you answering questions?

Last week and this week were pre-recorded. Listen to it and you'll hear what we did!

Just bought discovery - daft punk, A U R O R A - Ben Frost, Petals/Pedals - Eluvium all on vinyl plus Conan the Barbarian, Zodiac, A View to a Kill, And Sky Captain all on Blu ray new on Amazon. Did I get a good haul?

Ha you did great! Everything but Sky Captain. Hahaha

Can you tell us what blogs you read?

Pitchfork, Cokemachineglow, The Dissolve, The A/V Club, FADER, a few others.

Has a song ever made you cry?

Once in a great while, yeah. But usually because something else is going on with me at the time, you know?

Got a Facebook message from other teens claiming I maybe their half brother, my mother then told me I was conceived by donor sperm and have at least 12 step siblings across America and she thought it would be better if I didn't know. is it okay to be angry? Should I talk to step siblings?

Wow, that's crazy news. As far as whether you should be mad? I don't know. I found out my stepdad wasn't my biological father in my early teens, I wasn't mad at my Mom about not telling me. It's a difficult thing to know when to do. As far as whether or not you should speak with your siblings, I'd say go with your gut. If you don't need all that in your life right now, you shouldn't feel guilty about not responding. If you like the idea of having a sibling, I say go for it! It's not likely to cause you any problems. Good luck to you.

Whats your advice to young men coming up in the world for achieving success and happiness?

My advice to ANY young person coming up is, work hard enough to be good at something. On your way to that, treat people well, keep to your word as much as possible, build friendships where you can, and don't fuck people over. If you can manage all of that, you may finds hat some of those friendships have turned into huge possibilities. Trust is everything.

I'm 14 years old and I'm broke as fuck. I can't find any jobs that would hire someone under the age of 16. advice?

Yeah I feel you. I had a job when I was 14 but it was working under the table. Honestly other than babysitting and lawnmowing/paper route kinda stuff, you might be out of luck for at least a year or so. I'd try babysitting, it's lucrative, it's easy, and you can get up on a network online that will suggest you to people. If you live somewhere that has snow, you could go door to door and offer to shovel people's walks/drives for cash, I've done that. You might also look into selling any junk you have on eBay or Craigslist. Good luck man.


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