
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What's some of your favorite Sword and Sorcery movies?


Did you get any good Bday gifts?

Yes! Got a sweet painting of one of my dogs from my wife, as well as some homemade biscuits.

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Any notable people went to your college?

I dunno man. A lot of people in my year became filmmakers, editors, theater owners, and artists who are all successful, so to me that's notable. But I don't think anyone is, like, famous.

Considering your job isn't typical how do you and others judge if you did a good job or not?

Well TV is kind of easy, really. If people like something, they watch it. So in general, when you make a promo you can tell if it's any good by the way people react to it. Did it draw attention to the show or product? Did people talk about it or share it? Did the show or product see a bump from the promo? etc. There are a lot of complicated ways in which something's effectiveness is measured in TV/marketing. A lot of them are bullshit, admittedly, and none of them actually measure QUALITY (which is a more ephemeral thing that can't easily be defined), but there's enough parameters for a baseline to be drawn.

Im going to college but im not sure whay to I want to do my.parents want me to get a good government jo but I feel as if I wouldn't enjoy it because I am a free thinke and want something where I can create or help create something. Any advice?

Couple things: Your parents are not dumb, so listen to their advice. That said, aren't you looking into a discipline/major where you're at school? Whatever you decide to do, you need to being as early as humanly possible. Now more than ever, being really good at something is the only way to stand out and get a decent job (that, or having good connections). I will say that in general a "government job" is not necessarily the type of stable gig with great benefits it used to be once upon a time. Still, being a free thinker and wanting to create is too ill defined to constitute a plan. My advice: look into what your school has to offer and what you are studying. Anything in there you have a desire or affinity for, that you could turn into your field of study? If the answer is "no," your parents might be right! If the answer is "yes," jump in, work really hard at that, and tell your parents that's what you're going to be. That's what I think, anyway.

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Wait, if you don't get any money from working at Toonmai, then how do you make a living?

From running Adult Swim On-Air, the job I was doing before Toonami came back and the one I am paid for now. Toonami is a whoooole other ball of wax that involves a ton of work, and that no one who works on it gets any extra money for.

How do you feel about having a December birthday? Many feel because of Christmas they get robbed of a unique celebration and/or gifts in some cases.

Ha yeah man I did feel that way as a kid sometimes!

Based on a "question" you received I'mma just wish you a happy ass birthday. You put me up with a lot of great music, movies and comics this year, cool to see someone use their online presence in a dope way. Have a good one, if it is indeed your birthday man.

It is indeed my birthday and thanks!

Any "pets being dumb" stories you'd share?

I don't really have any, my doggies aren't super smart or anything but they haven't done any super dumb stuff either!

I was the anon who had aspergers autism and I asked about going to public school. I took the advice and decide to go and made one really good friend which is one more then I had before. Thanks.

That's great! Thanks for letting me know.

I have a learning disability and I have bern in special education most of my years in scho and its been rough. My parents want me to go to colle but I am.so far behind in school my grades just won't cut it and even If I did find a college im not sure I can handle it. advice?

Well I don't think your parents are wrong! I'm not sure what your special needs might be, but just as there were courses for you in high school, there are certainly colleges you can attend as well. I think everyone has their challenges and while it will be hard for sure, you shouldn't let the idea of that limit you. I think you can do it!

Would you say gamers are more introverted people?

I think "gamers" is such a broad term it essentially has no meaning.

What is the most beautiful city you have ever visited?

Hmmm tie between the entire state of Wyoming, San Fran, Tokyo and Barcelona.


Language: English