
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Could you provide some info on your Zizek/The Wire meme? I havent studied much of his philosophy yet so i may be missing something. Is it that people mistake you for him?

No, I just love him and I love using his crazy face to make jokes. There is zero direct connection between Zizek and his philosophies and The Wire.

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For tonight's tweetstorms of Evangelion, do you want us to use #Evangelion111 and #Evangelion222 or just #Evangelion?

Whatever makes more sense to you! Thanks!

Does US Toonami get any funding from Toonami in Thailand? I don't know if that's a question you can answer but I'm just wondering!

US Toonami gets zero funding or anything else from any other Toonamis in any other regions of the world. I wish them luck though!

Hey, what about your favorite movie trailers of 2014???

I don't have enough to even make a list. The teaser trailer for GODZILLA, and the most recent MAD MAX trailer are two that really stick out in my mind.

What would be some of the best books you've read this year?

Lev Grossman's "The Magician King," Marlon James' "A Brief History of Seven Killings," Jeff VandeMeer's "Southern Reach" trilogy, and a bunch of Thomas Ligotti.

Are you good at paintball?

Yeah I'm aight. I go to the shooting range regularly and I play vidya games a lot so I have good hand to eye coordination.

do you have any musicians or shows or games that for some reason you just never attempted to listen/play/watch even though they have a huge fanbase or known as legendary or something? For some reason I'm just listening to Big L for the first time

The great thing about art is that there is ALWAYS someone you didn't have time to get to or didn't hear about, and if you keep your mind and heart open, you'll find that you are constantly discovering amazing stuff. Like Big L, who fucking rules! For me, the most recent great art I hadn't looked into was the work of Jacques Tati, who is now one of my favorite directors.

I have longed to experience a more simple and relaxed way of living. I love living in the bronx nyc but I want to try something new and I have some distant family that own a punkin farm in Hillsboro Oregon and agreed that I can stay in exchange for work. Would it be a smart move? Guy/21/single

Well, this is a tough one for me to really answer, because I've never felt that way. I don't live in NYC and frankly, I never would. It's too crazy there. The hustle and bustle is nice, but after a few days I just hate everyone. If you're suffering from the same thing, I'd say give that Pumpkin farm a shot! I don't think there's a "right" way to live, and I don't think farming is gonna be as simple or relaxed as you might think it will be, but it sure sounds like you could use a change of scenery. You're young, not attached. It's a good time to go out and try different ways of living and being. Good luck to you.

Whats your advice on breaking a cycle of poverty running in the family?

Hm this is a tough one. I don't think there is a one size fits all solution for this problem. I'd have to know more about your specific situation to be able to offer any advice. In general, I think you have to try to get yourself taken care of before you can help anyone else. Does that make sense? Like, you have to focus on feeding and clothing yourself, before you can really help members of your family. Trust me, I know. I'm sorry I can't give you anything better than that, but it's obviously not a question I want to give you a flippant answer to.

What made you decide to work at a gay bar?

Uh I needed a job and they were hiring? Ended up bar backing/bouncing/bartending for a couple of years there. Great job for a college kid.

Are you going to make a list for games, I would love to see you make a list of the games you played this year

Man that would be such a long list, plus I'm still deep in Far Cry 4 and have yet to even touch my Assassin's Creed Unity and Halo Collections! I might do a list in January.

Did you hear this Prhyme?? Shit is insane to me and I barely fucked with Royce beforehand. Premo back

Yeah I dig it.

I have seen this question being tossed around lately. So i'll ask you. What got you into electronic music? For me it was back in like 2010-2011 listening to Doctor P and Flux Pavilion. Sense then I have loved almost all genres of electronic music.

Hmmm let me think. For me, it started as early as the Vangelis BLADE RUNNER soundtrack, and the synths in John Carpenter movies and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. From there, I moved on to Tangerine Dream, and into stuff like The Orb, AFX, Autechre, and the whole Warp/IDM movement. At the same time, in college, I was working at a gay bar and being exposed to the best Chicago/Deep House etc on a nightly basis. Been a goner ever since.

What do you think of the Mystery Skulls? Also have you seen the animated music video for Ghost?

Eh not a big fan, sorry.

Thoughts on the remastered High Definition 16:9 version of 'The Wire'?

I'm glad they consulted with David Simon, but I wish they had stuck with the original 4x3 screen size when remastering the show, since that's the aspect ratio the show was meant to be seen in. I understand why HBO felt pressured to redo the show in 16x9, because based on how many people are still bitching about our DBZ presentation on Toonami. Ultimately I'm just glad the show is being remastered, I'll definitely buy the Blu-ray.

Do you know who drew the 2-D drawings of Erin from Miguzi? I really liked them, and wondered if I could see more of this person's work. I've been looking around google to try and find the answer to who it was who drew the pictures. I'm hoping you'd know!

A couple different illustrators did those drawings over the years Miguzi was on, and I don't remember their names, sorry.


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