
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you consider Gen Urobuchi a "meaningful sadist"? As in, Gen enjoys killing off his characters (or making them suffer), yet he has his works display a meaningful theme (in Gen's case, it's his deconstruction of utilitarianism)

I think "sadism" implies sexual delight in hurting a person. I don't think it applies in regards to fictional worlds one creates. So I don't really consider him a "meaningful sadist" as you put it, at least not any more than any other creator of characters.

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My uncle gave me his old Xbox 360 for Christmas. I already have an Xbox 360, I don't know what to do with the one he gave to me? I don't think anyone cares about 360 anymore so I ruled out selling it.

Sell it! It's still worth some money and a nice gift.

Thank you for all the good will you've spread over the years; from things as far-reaching as uplifting TOM speeches that reach millions down to the simplicity of taking the time to answer the question of a single struggling individual who comes seeking help. From the bottom of my heart: Merry X-mas!

Aw, thanks. Merry Christmas to you too. <3

No love for Over The Garden Wall on your best of list?

I liked it a lot but it wasn't one of my absolute favs of the year. Everyone is different.

Gotcha, misunderstood "Need to see" as your suggestions of movies people need to see, not those that you need to see. In that case, I trust you'll post your thoughts on it when you do get a chance to see it?

I sure will.

If you had to pick either Tetsuo or Kaneda from the movie "Akira" to adopt as one of your kids, which one would you picK? Oh, and Merry Christmas!

KhakiBlueSocks’s Profile PhotoJoshua
Neither: Kei.

So John Wick was good, eh? I don't remember hearing you talk much about it, but seeing it make your list, I'm considering checking it out. What did you like about it?

Nope haven't seen it, I put that on the "need to see" list.

I was a little surprised not to see Black Jesus on your TV list, but that aside, amazing list. You sir, have some good taste in television.

Love Black Jesus but not QUITE as much as I live Brule or Rick & Morty, and how many shows from my own network can I reasonably put on, Hahahah!

Why do you hate gone girl, Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 88 %?

I hate it because it's a terribly written, terribly acted (for the most part), ridiculous facile attempt at a satire of sexual politics and media in America. And I don't give a fuck what it's Rotten Tomatoes rating is, good Lord.

I really need some advice: my friend's father passed away due to heart failure a few days ago, and I felt bad because they didn't get to have Christmas with each other, and I felt bad for a while. Then, I found out that a friend of mine who is an animator, died as well. I am at my wits end with life

Well, I've been dealing with a death in the family myself this season. What I would say is that I have found meaning, and (if not joy) some degree of satisfaction, with being there for my loved ones. When someone we love is taken from us, frequently the best way to hang on can be to cleave to those around you and let them hold you up, or help hold THEM up. Times like this are why friends and family and spreading love and joy are so important. Call your friend and offer to help, because his loss is huge and he probably needs you. And remember, the times aren't always this hard. Life is a series of peaks and valleys, it's a cliche but a true one. Good luck.

No Space Dandy on your TV list? That was 2014 for sure.

No anime will be listed for the simple reason that I will get questions like this, sorry.

I saw your best movies of 2014 list and noticed a last of the wind rises. Do you not consider it one of the best movies of 2014?

It was released in 2013, so I left if off for that reason. No, I absolutely love THE WIND RISES.
Liked by: Duelist

Why was 4Kids' "One Piece" rap put on video.adultswim.com a few years ago?

The dot com people did it as a little joke, I think. All I know is I've sure gotten a ton of questions about it, even though no one at Toonami had anything to do with it.

In your opinion, what are the points that most music lists from popular publications always get wrong?

Oh I don't know that any of them always get a certain thing wrong. Most of them have some good records on them. Usually what they might get wrong is under representing a certain genre, like metal of electronic music, etc. Even that isn't a huge issue to me, since there are speciality publications for every musical genre. One thing I would like to see are more adventurous choices...
Liked by: iou


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