
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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OK. Why do you think Joss Whedon doesnt write anyone well?

Because his dialogue sounds like a writer sitting in a room is talking, and it's the same writer for every character. Who talks like Joss Whedon. Same problem Kevin Smith has. Too worried about being clever.
Liked by: asdasd

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Maybe this is too personal but what do you actually do at your job? Like is mostly calling people and emailing them? That kind of stuff? Or are you writing papers all day?

Haha it's indeed a lot of emails and phone calls. It's also a lot of talking with people and writing up ideas, listening to songs and VO and approving cuts, looking at graphics, going on sets for shoots, and talking, talking, talking.
Liked by: jennifer.✌

Really becuase according to most sources, the stuff in the Star Wars trailer was not CGI. But whatver dude

According to my EYES, those X-Wings flying over a lake? Those aren't practical effects. That spinning R2 unit? That's not practical effects. Use your brain, DUDE

What does it feel like to have created a block that is enjoyed by literally millions of people?

Some days it feels great! Some days it feels like a lot of work. I'm thrilled it's still going and I
hope we can keep it up...

Why does Steve Blum get to come back as Tom but Sally Timms didn't get to return as Sara? Same with Peter Cullen?

You mean, beyond "things change"? Well, Steve wasn't even the first TOM, and we are actually now on our THIRD Sara voice, so I'm not sure what the big deal is there. Peter is retired from doing anything other than Optimus Prime and Eeyore. We'd use him if we could. As for your next question about whether or not us using Steve but not Sally or Peter is "hypocritical," I... don't think that word means what you think it means.
Liked by: Claire Arthur Mesa

Thought on Jay-Z? Overrated?

Definitely overrated but still one of the best. He's always had a hit or miss record with his albums for me, but boy does he have a deep catalogue of great singles.
Liked by: iou

Have you checked out the Toonami Wikia? It's insane how much info those people have put togther!

I know, it's great!

are you excited about any upcoming video games in 2015?

mylescrocker1’s Profile PhotoMyles Crocker
Hmmm not yet! Still playing through Far Cry 4 and Call of Duty, just finished Dragon Age and Assassin's Creed Rogue, will likely play Assassin's Creed Unity. Too many games to play first!
Liked by: Myles Crocker

What studio made the best cartoons in your opinion during the Golden Age, MGM, WB, Hanna-Barbera or Disney?

Disney or WB.

What did you think of that movie "Suckerpunch?" Just watched it again after a few years and really enjoyed it.

Sorry, I hated that movie.
Liked by: Claire

Why do you think Joss Whedon doesnt write females well?

I don't think he writes anyone well, not particularly females.

what ever bra, have fun listining to your horse shit or as you call it "music"

Have fun have fun learning how to spell "listening" properly, "bro."


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