
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why dose adult swim think its okay to make fun of Jesus and christianity? I really hope the lord convicts those who run AS and causes you and whoever is behind this to repent for making mockery of the lord okay on the network. I shall pray for you and the others working there.

You "hope the lord convicts" us but you will "pray for us"? Think you might be mixing your messages there.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

What's with all the bashing of people who are just concerned about their favorite block? I thought you guys welcomed criticism. TOM said so in that speech.

TomBergeron555’s Profile PhotoTom Bergeron
This again. Re-read the questions, and read my answers. If you can't see why some of them might be annoying, I don't know what to tell you. It goes w/o saying that we welcome Intelligent, thoughtful, respectful criticism. We don't appreciate: armchair quarterbacking, people expecting the block to be only whatever THEY think it must be, rudeness, etc. We have a Tumblr- Toonami.tumblr.com. All show suggestions or other ideas to improve the block are welcome. None of that is "why did you take THIS show off, This OTHER ONE would do way better, based on my own criteria that exists in my mind!!!"

has any toonami fan recognized you on the street or something? have you ever showed up to cons for a toonami panel or something like that?

We have had Toonami panels at Momocon two years running, most of the staff (myself included) was at both of them. It's rare I get recognized on the street, but it happens on occasion.

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Is One Piece not preforming as well as other shows? Is that the reason why Inuyasha has bumped it down?

I'm answering this so ratings humpers stop spamming me. I will NOT be answering ratings related questions. One Piece isn't going anywhere, that's all I'll say. Let US worry about ratings, anon. It's our job. Thanks.

Whats it like interviewing a professional athlete?

Totally depends on the athlete. Some are awesome, some are standoffish, most are just normal people, really.

How come Attack on Titan doesn't get moved down the line up when it's on reruns, but One Piece gets moved half an hour later when it's on premieres. One Piece would be great at 12.

I'm sure one day, when you have a TV network, you can perform these little experiments you're so sure will work, anon. Until then they will have to stay in your mind.
Liked by: Claire

Will Deadman Wonderland be airing "uncut" (with bleeps) or will you be airing the "TV" version with toned down language? I may be remembering wrong but the first run the first few episodes were uncut then got switched to the TV version. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's getting another run!

See my previous answer to this question. Both here AND on Twitter.

I was hardly trolling. I was just questioning the logic behind your decision is all. I have huge respect for you and the Toonami crew, however I was not terribly fond of your decision with FMA:B. I believe I have a right to that thought.

TV decisions are not always based in "logic" (or what SEEMS logical to you, more accurately), anon. They're based on a number of factors we won't be able to disclose. If you have such HUGE respect for us, then how about "thanks for showing a show I love for so many years" instead of using the time to bitch about Bebop? Then, you won't get mistaken for a troll.

I need advice. Im a single guy and I just got my own place but I cant cook for shit. I have tried to make dinner for myself but it always turns out HORRIBLE. Either I burn it or add to much of a spice or put tge wrong spice etc. Ive been buying takeout and eating sandwiches.

Get a cookbook or use recipes online. Plan out some meals and go grocery shopping. Cook the food as per instructions. With enough practice, you'll get it. Stop eating takeout, that shit'll kill you man. Good luck.

how is it time to move on from FMA, which has only aired 5 years, when Bebop has been airing for almost 15?

Bebop is a better show than FMA, among many other business reasons, anon troll.

For Deadman, are you guys gonna use the same version you aired last time, or a less censored version using your post-Akira standards?

Our standards have not really changed, guys. Nothing is changing in this cut of DA,

Me and my friend were walking after school and three larger kids came and stole his sneakers and broke his nose and they told ne not to get in the way and I just stood there and did nothing but telling them to stop. I feel so horrible about what happened and that I didnt do more. Any advice?

Ugh that's horrible, I'm sorry. It's impossible to say what more you could have done without having been there. It sucks to be the victim of crime and to be bullied. Short of going at those kids, there's not much you can do, though. My advice: tell someone in authority if you know who those kids are. A teacher, a parent, a big brother, an older friend... anyone. Fuck "No snitching." Either that, or you and your friend should do whatever you can to avoid running into them again. If that's not possible, you may both have to consider squaring up on them the next time. Strike first and strike hard if you do. I really hope it doesn't come to that, though. Good luck.


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