
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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"St. Louis Police Officers Association calls for St. Louis Rams players to be disciplined after show of support for Ferguson." Is this the WORST possible way anything like this has been handled ever?

It's more tone deaf, backwards thinking, and moronic than I could've possibly imagined.
Liked by: Claire

Any current Xbox One game recommendations as well?

Sunset Overdrive, DA: Inquisition, the Halo collection, Wolfenstein, Call of Duty.

Is future boy conan available to buy anywhere? I'Be had a tough go of it trying to find it.

It's not available legally anywhere. There is a remastered Blu boxed set but it's not subbed in English. I had to DL a fansub.

Nightmare on Elm Street, Firday The 13th, The Evil Dead, The Shinning, Re Animotor, The Shinning, Night of The Creeps, Hell Raisor, Dawn of the Dead, The Fly. . . etc

All of em.

Is it a big deal to take a year off college I graduated high school in june of 2014 and I was supposed to be in college but had to take a year off for money reasons. I haven't found a job to help my family and I get depressed sometimes because im missibg a year. Is it a big deal to start late?

It's not a big deal at all to start late, don't worry about that. If money is that short, have you looked into financial assistance at all? There are lots of programs in every state. It's a lot of work and a huge pain in the ass, but there might be something there you can take advantage of. Good luck.

My families store got destroyed during the riots, all of our Christmas money (mine too) is being used to repair the store and buy new merchandise. It's really tough on all of us especially my younger siblings. It makes me sad people took advantage of the peaceful protestors an causing destruction.

I'm sorry to hear that, that really sucks. It's a shitty situation for all concerned. I hope things slowly turn around and you and your town can begin to heal.

Well you said that NY is overrated before, so maybe you didn't like the artists from their. Or maybe you were just talking about the culture, I dunno man

I think you missed my point. DJ Premier is one of the greatest producers of all time, period.

Is it just me or does it feel like 80% of major movies, video game or book takes place in the USA or is about main characters from the USA even if its written or created in someplace else.

I mean, a pretty big percentage of movies are made in the USA for American audiences, so that's not too surprising. If you're tired of that, many countries including France, Hong Kong, India, China and Iran all have vibrant film communities with easily available movies for you to check out.

Just want to ask you to thank the Toonami team for bringing the Game Room back. It seems like a small thing to some people, but I got incredibly excited.

Liked by: Matthew

I was at least happy the Star Wars Footage looked very physical and less CGIish

I kinda disagree. Most of what I saw in that trailer were CGI effects.

Now that it's been a while, what did you think of Destiny?

Not a complete waste of time, but hardy the "open world shooter" it was billed as. Hoping they get it right the next time.


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