
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I know some of the music videos played during Midnight Run Special Edition years ago, but is Interstella 5555 something you think would fit on Toonami on its own? And, I've never seen it, but do you recommend it even if it isn't?

It would, and you should see it, it's great!
Liked by: Claire

It seems like everyone likes to bash Toei Animation these days, do you think they've become as bad as people seem to make them out to be?

I do not. Ignore weeabo bashing.
Liked by: Adam Martinez

Heard that you guys don't want to see Yu-Gi-Oh! on Toonami. Is that because you don't think the show has broad enough appeal for the Adult Swim demographic, or do you guys just not like the franchise in general?


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Which video game was worse, Sonic 06 or Sonic Boom

I haven't played a Sonic game in a decade or more, I have no idea.

Over the years, I've seen Adult Swim mention on more than one occasion that they like Pokemon but dislike Digimon. I believe you've mentioned that before as well. As a long time Digimon fan, because of the characters, story, etc, what irks you guys about Digimon?

You are wrong, I've never said I don't like Digimon, and I don't recall Adult Swim ever saying that either. I have said I don't care for Yu-Gi-Oh. As a derivative of Pokemon, I don't like Digimon as much, but it's not bad either. But really, why not enjoy your fandom and quit worrying about what we think about it?

What is the worst controller you've ever played with? I played with a Genesis controller today and it was unresponsive as shit, hence this question coming to my mind.

Hm the Dreamcast controller was kind of a mess.

Are you worried about Killer Mikes weight?

No, Mike's eating healthy and losing weight. Some dudes are big, some dudes aren't. Live your life, don't worry about his!

Do you have any ideas of where you would like to see the next twin peaks series go in the story?

No idea at all and that's the best part!

Are you a fan of Ralph Bakshi's work?

Huge fan! We follow each other on Twitter, I'm proud to say. He's a legend. WIZARDS is one of my all time favs.

Is it a bad sign for the PS4 when its two highest rated games (The Last Of Us and GTA5) are just "remastered" PS3 games? Surely consumers are going to start turning elsewhere.


I think that anon has the wrong idea. When he retired he said it was only from feature films, so he never really came out of retirement since it's only shorts (which I'm very happy about. Also, how hyped are you for that samurai manga he's making?

Agreed and I'm VERY excited because the Nausicaa manga is one of my absolute favs.

Were you surprised at all about Hayao Miyazaki coming out of retirement again?

No. He's just going to produce shorts, though.


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