
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Regarding the Natasha Tynes incident, who should we blame?: absurd policies or the people who use these policies to harm other people?

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Did you guys ever consider stuff like Pretty Cure or Magical Users Club for toonami back in the day, it seemed like the block was short on girl oriented stuff back then aside from sailor moon and powerpuff girls.

We considered all kinds of girl focused shoes- Magic Knight Rayearth and Slayers were two of the ones we fought hardest to get- but through a number of inside and outside factors, we couldn’t get any that we wanted.
Liked by: Duelist hellfish

About that starbucks cup in GOT last night, couldn't hbo just have a guy digitally remove it inferno, seems kinda lazy that they didn't cut it out unless they had no time.

I’m almost certain that hit the air with no one seeing it.
And ppl are going to make a big deal out of it but honestly, shit like that happens all the time. You’d be surprised. Your eye just wants to ignore it, so it does.
Never forget that the people making all the content you watch are human and fallible and that if you were in their shoes, you’d likely make the same mistakes. It’s crazy complicated making stuff!

I guess it might not make the most sense from a marketing standpoint, but can I respectfully say that many of us would love to see less topicals and well, more of any other kind of Toonami videos? also the tops are so short now that they feel a bit soulless to a lot of us (no disrespect I swear)

Well there are reasons for all of that, but I’ll just deal with the “more of the other kind of videos” comment. We do still try to make music videos ourselves and we manage about one every other month. As I’m sure you know if you’ve ever tried to make one, finding a theme and clipping the right footage and then finding a great song and putting all that together takes a lot of time!
Normally we fill the gap with game reviews, but honestly there haven’t been many “review worthy” games we want to talk about in this dry spell.
The only other thing we do (besides total immersion events) is Tom Speeches, and Gill is working on one now. But you won’t see more than one or two of those a year- we really want them to be special.
We try to cover the gaps in the stuff we make with more interesting music videos, but sometimes it gets a little old I’m sure. Don’t worry- as always, there’s new stuff coming down the pike from us soon!

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Do you think Deckard is a Human or a Replicant? I’ve always leaned human.

I side firmly with Mr. Harrison Ford (and the original source material) that Deckard is human. The whole fucking POINT is that even though he’s a human, his life is so dead and meaningless and awful that the Replicants he “retires” are living more rich, emotion filled lives than he is.
Roy Batty is more human than Deckard. Until he falls in love with Rachel.
Liked by: Alex J

Can you recommend any good comics for somebody who's never really dipped a toe into them? I've always been very apprehensive of reading ANY of the superhero ones because of the countless versions and storylines, but I hear good rumblings about say, image comics?

Wow, that’s a huge question. Before I answer properly, I’ll say that I don’t read much superhero stuff any more. However, a lot of great work has been done in that space (and continues to be). But you really have to dig to separate the wheat from the chaff. I’ll give you some of my favs and some landmark texts I think someone who’s just dipping their toes in would like...
DOOM PATROL (Grant Morrison run)- easily the weirdest, funniest of the superhero team comics. I really dig it.
BATMAN: YEAR ONE- Arguably Frank Miller’s best work. And still the gold standard for superhero origin stories.
ASTRO CITY- My favorite Image comic, A great series that explores the many facets of super heroism and super villainy in a more grounded way.
THOR (Walt Simonson run)- High fantasy has never been more wild or straight out fun.
SWAMP THING (Alan Moore)- An amazing, mystical take on the “lonely monster hero” genre.
HELLBOY- So much more than a superhero comic, but it does that well too. Heartbreaking, horrific, deep world building.
MARVELS/KINGDOM COME- Excellent deep dives into the bigger characters Marvel and DC have to offer, bringing them down to earth a bit and having fun with their respective histories.
JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL (J.M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen)- My fav incarnation of the League thus far. A reimagining of a superhero team as a group of people working together who often dislike each other and get in one another’s way, but still get the job done. A hero team as office comedy.
DC: THE NEW FRONTIER (Darwyn Cooke)- A widescreen cartoon of old school hero goodness. Imagine the Superfriends, but both more throwback and more kickass at the same time.
PUNISHER: WAR ZONE (Garth Ennis)- Ennis did Punisher better than anyone has. He gets at the essential horror of the character while still making it fun and over the top when it needs to be. Basically a great pulp crime novel.
THE VISION (Tom King)- in 12 issues this comic does more with Vision than anyone ever has before. It’s so sad and great.
MIRACLEMAN (Alan Moore)- Moore’s first Major deconstruction of what Havel the “super” in superhero could really mean. See also THE AUTHORITY, Warren Ellis’s comic about a fascistic group of super humans dominating the world and battling each other.
BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS (Frank Miller)- This threw Batman into a dark future that shows us the end of the road for Bruce’s vigilantism. Cynical, overwritten, oft quoted, still brilliant.
WATCHMAN (Alan Moore)- Still the definitive deconstruction of superhero myths put on paper. I can only hope superhero movies reach this level of thematic maturity some day (the film adaptation on of this sure didn’t!).
There are many more than these, but generally I’d say if you find a hero you like-Spider-Man, say- it’s easy to google your way into finding the runs people consider definitive and checking them out. No hero bats 1000, but I’ve found Batman, Punisher, Spider-Man and Thor have inspired a lot of co

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Was there some kind of vendetta against The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest in '99? TOM 1, in lineup promos, would describe the show as "crashing the car at 5:30" or "confounding the masses at 5:30". The show would leave the block shortly afterward, was there bitter feelings toward airing the show?

We were never given a choice to air the show, we were just told we must air it, and we didn’t like it. So we subtly (and not so subtly) made our feelings known. 😂
Liked by: Alex J Duelist hellfish

Do you recall if there were circumstances that specifically prompted this promo? IMO it remains one of the most awesome old Toonami spots just due to speaking directly to the audience about the block (especially for a CN Toonami promo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAA26CRRRg0

Sean Akins had us make that as a response to the Johnny come lately action toon blocks that were popping up at the time, like Jetix, etc. I don't think we'd do anything like that today; then again- we are the only game in town when it comes to TV land.

Have you ever been married or divorced? Have your significant others ever been as intellectual and artsy as you or do you need an opposite type to keep you grounded in reality?

I’ve been married twice. Divorced once. I don’t consider myself much of an intellectual at all, but both of the women I’ve been married to have been highly intelligent. My current wife is much smarter than I am, and nicer too (Just a better person all around)!
I’d say my wife doesn’t share many of my nerd interests, and definitely helps keep me grounded. She usually likes entertainment that allows her to turn her brain off, because her work involves dealing with heavy real world issues. So she’ll settle in with a cooking show or something on HGTV, etc. Whereas I’m highly focused on spending my time watching amazing dramas or comedy that I think pushes boundaries or is just really well done, or anime.
She likes murder documentary stuff, so she also watches a lot of ID. I can’t stand that stuff.
She loves all kinds of podcasts, I don’t really listen to any.
Like any partner I’ve had that I’ve truly fallen for, I fell in love with her mind and our differences just as much as the rest of her. Dunno if that answers your question but there you go!😂

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I know most of your old toonami stuff is gone, but did you guys archive the interviews, Im just asking since I saw HQ clips of them in the 20th anniversary video.

We have some of them, but not many.
Liked by: hellfish

In terms of creating classic cinema that will echo through time, who is better DC or Marvel?

Well based on that criteria I guess I’d say DC, since in my opinion the Dark Knight films have yet to be equaled by the crop of the last 10 years or so.
On the Marvel side, Black Panther and the first Captain America film feel like they MIGHT be ones to last...

Is Cool Breeze a slept on rapper?

Absolutely. If you can, try to get your hands on “East Point’s Greatest Hit,” a lost Dungeon Family classic.
Liked by: hellfish

Not a fan of the MCU I assume? Lol

I wouldn’t say I’m NOT a fan, I’ve seen all of the movies. And there’s no question of the brilliance of the overall plan and vision. As a product, they are genius. As art? Less so. The movies all look the same, most of them FEEL the same, and while there are high points (Cap movies, Black Panther), they aren’t THAT high. I liked Endgame, It was a very smart strategy to have it loop back over all of the previous Marvel movies, but at a certain point it really did feel like a product designed to celebrate itself and reward fan involvement, more than, you know. Art.
I don’t have any problem with people loving these movies, even if it’s completely uncritically. But at this point I think I’m done. We’ve gotten deep enough that, like comic books, you have to be all in to get much out of it.

As an executive with exclusive access to valuable unreleased content like Flamagra, is there a legal/corporate framework for your handling of these sensitive materials or do you use the honor system (or both)? Are your dealings directly with the Artist or the label (or both)? Thank you

In this case, the honor system.

Do you currently have access to Flamagra and were you a part of the creative process in any way? Also do you keep a personal of professional relationship (or both) with the genius known as Flying Lotus?

Steve and I have been friends for about 15 years now. We’ve helped out in some way on almost all of his releases, including KUSO. For Flamagra, you’ll definitely hear the music on Adult Swim and see more of the videos (like the David Lynch one).
I’ve had the album for a couple months, and I really feel it’s his best work yet. I’m so happy for him on both a personal and professional level. He’s a great artist and a great person.

You probably got this alot but did Mike Lazlo create Camp Lazlo or have an influence in its development?

His name is “Mike Lazzo”, not “Lazlo.” And no, not to my knowledge!

Are there any shows from the major streaming networks that you feel have pushed TV storytelling past its limits the way that pivotal shows like Twin Peaks, Sopranos, Lost, Breaking Bad etc. have? I'm glad these platforms exist, but it seems like their key shows decrease in quality after one season.

The only shows from any streamer that arguably pushed the medium forward were “Bandesnatch” on Netflix (and I’d argue it may have pushed it in a direction that’s not good for storytelling), and “Homecoming” on Amazon (the half-hour drama strikes me as an idea that will grow in popularity).
Otherwise, the only streaming show that comes even CLOSE to the quality of the big name dramas of the last decade and a half is Amazon’s “Patriot.”
Everything else, (and yes I mean everything- especially the cartoons!) ranges from “solid” to “crap.”

Are you and Gill still doing moving pictures and one man's trash still? Haven't seen you guys doing them in a while. 🤷🏽‍♂️☹

We’ve been doing them every week, you can see them every Friday!

is it true that the creator of ben 10 hated toonami, which is why the original series didn't air there?

A) Ben 10 didn’t have just one creator, it was a group called “men of action.”
B) to my knowledge they didn’t hate Toonami!

Hey Jason, not a question, I just wanted say thanks. When I was in college, you gave me advice here several times when I needed it. Advice when my parents tried to prevent me from getting a job, on how to talk to girls, and when I didn't know who I was. It meant a lot to me, so thanks. Keep it real.

Hey, happy to hear that. Thanks for letting me know. And good luck!
Liked by: Alex J Cake Jerry

IDK if you've been paying attention to all the dumbs shit Erick Erickson has been posting on twitter this week (you shouldn't) but just want to say I'm sorry you live in the same city as this dumb fuck, hope you never end up crossing paths with him.

Lol I muted him a long time ago. Don’t even know what he looks like. I’ve made a concerted effort to mute people who make a living saying dumb things and stirring people up. They have no shame and engaging with them at all is a waste of energy. Not feeding them attention is, I believe, the best way to combat them.

I'm curious: was the amount of censorship in that SAO episode a fairly last minute decision, potentially spurred on by Sketch/other fans suggesting it not air with its content at 11:30? because it definitely ended up being more censored than I was expecting for one.

The Toonami team doesn’t decide what gets cut from episodes, our Standards & Practices department does. They generally don’t have contact with us and we don’t have much with them. So, no.


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