
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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what do you do when attending a concert? just stand there? one of those bob your head dudes? or screaming along to lyrics?

Depends on the day, my mood, my level of inebriation, my excitement for the artist...

You could have been a failure with a crapot job but you overcame the odda and your predicament. Any advice for people who grew up just like you or worse?

My advice is that it's never ever too late to start over. NEVER.

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Do you find it sad 6 years old have I pads? what happened to having imagination.

Eh times change. There are still plenty of ways for kids to use their imagination.

After college did you move into your parents house or got a house for your own?

I would never move back home, my Mom couldn't afford that! I got a job and a roommate and lived in an apartment.

Best metal album this year for you? I'd say Mastodon's.

That's up there for me, as is the new Blut Aus Nord, and the Goatwhore.

Aren't you not a big fan of RZA?

Uhhh no he's a genius, when it comes to production. When it comes to DIRECTING MOVIES, no I'm not a fan. But Wu is Wu, I mean c'mon.

Any movies that you can think of that ends with the villains actually winning? Villains are the best!


Thoughts on advanced warfare?

Just digging in. Pretty fun so far, not sure how I feel about all the dumb jumping though. We'll see!

what is up with this new wu-tang shit man? the songs and cover just blahhhhh

I never understood why people care if a band's cover is cool or not. I mean, it's great when a band DOES have a cool cover, but it's hardly a necessary component for enjoying music? Also, pssst- almost all of Wu-Tang's covers have been bad! As far as the music, I haven't listened to any yet, but I'll be buying the record when it comes out. It's the Wu- they've earned my trust!

Been with the same girl for 4 years and we're having major issues and she wants "a break". Should i just call it quits? I'm not trying to go by generalizations of most people, but I know this probably will just make it worse, but I was ready to marry her and look past our issues.

Well regardless of what you were ready to do, it sounds like she wants to take some time. And honestly, if you guys are on such different pages to begin with, a break IS probably in order. I think you should take some time away to figure out what you want and if you can be happy together, then proceed accordingly. Don't make any rash decisions. Four years is a long time, you don't want to throw that away!

Will my generation be the one that lets America die? Everyone I talk to my age say they ain't voting cause they don't care.

I don't think voting has much to do with what will make or break this country, anon. Sorry.

Will we ever see the return of the adult swim store? I miss all the cool merch and I want official toonami stuff.

Dunno, sorry.

Horror related; play Nightmare Creatures 2 for the ps1 its super frightening. You must be forewarned however, it features some Rob Zombie tracks from his Hellbilly album.

I played it, I remember.

Does format really matter or is it impossible to enjoy a show that's stretched or not in hd?

I don't think format matters all that much to most people, to be honest.

Curious I noticed that Steve Blum was in some non toonami adult swim commercial how did you make that happen?

We work with him all the time, have for years. He's not just the voice of TOM, he's a working voice actor.

Well just curious. but could you tell me anything about the future of bleach and toonami?

whylegit’s Profile PhotoTaylor Russ
As always, with any and all shows, you'll have to wait to see when we announce the final schedule.

Was there ever a time when you felt really alone in the world? Right now I am dealing with a lot of seizures and chronic pain problems to the point that I've had to stop working. I just feel so lost right now and no one really understands just how much pain I'm in.

I'm really sorry you're having so much trouble. Of course we all feel alone sometimes, and especially when one is in a lot of pain, it's really hard to reach out and have someone understand what you're going through. But I bet even if your loved ones might not understand your pain, they understand that they want YOU to be okay and want to help and support you. I advise you to let them. Beyond that, just know that no pain lasts forever, and you will get through this awful time. I've been there, man. Just don't quit! Good luck.

I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for airing DBZ Kai in proper 4:3! I really, really wish the Turner networks' HD feeds worked like others, where 4:3 programming is always shown properly and not stretched or zoomed (like Discovery networks).


what's your opinion on Rob Zombie's Halloween and Halloween 2?

Absolute, utter dogshit. The nadir of the series. He sucks so much and he made two awful HALLOWEEN films.


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