
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why didn't you guys double up Clone Wars episodes? It's really inconvenient that it's getting cut off in the middle of its run.

That's a fair question. I agree, it IS inconvenient. Unfortunately, our legal department didn't see fit to tell us the show needed to be pulled from the air until a week before we had to pull it! We have no idea why they didn't tell us before, but things don't always run like clockwork at TV networks. Sorry for the inconvenience, we hated to have to yank it like that.

Opinions on that whole "90s master race" jive?

I think the idea of riding for any sort of generational supremacy is sad and pathetic. 80s/90s babies are just as good/lame as 70s babies (me) or 00 babies (my kid).

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Would be there be anyway to show you any musical production that could be used in a bump or even toonami future project of any sorts?

Send me a link to your music. When I have time, I'll listen. If I like it, I'll hit you up!

Me and a friend are both atheist and both of us are tired of hiding it from out parents, but we're kind of afraid to tell them. My parents are extreamly religious, and his dad is a preacher. What should we do?

Well, honestly- I'd wait until you're out of the house and on your own before telling your parents in this case. It sounds like it will be a very uncomfortable revelation for your family, and before you drop that bomb you may want to be on your own and not living under their roof. It will hurt them and hurt people can react impulsively. You may also find that once you're on your own, it's something you can keep more to yourself. Either way, I think you should wait.

How do you manage to not get sleep at all but wake up early?

Just the way I'm wired. I hate sleep and have never needed much of it.

Hi mr Demarco I would like some advice.I am taking a public speaking course in college and I have an assignment due Monday that requires me to bring something sentimental to talk about .i personally don't have anything sentimental of any past relatives and i was wondering if you had any ideas?thanks

Well it's kind of difficult for me to help you here because I think the point of the assignment is that the word "sentimental" can mean something different for everyone. I don't think it has to be something from your family, necessarily. It might be more about what item or person triggers a memory for you that makes you feel sentimental. It doesn't have to be missing a person, it can just be missing a place or a time, or a memory of strong feelings, you know? Sorry, that's all I got!

Here's a question regarding bleeps: If a character says "What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" but doesn't end it off with "ck!", is it getting bleeped?

I don't know, you'd have to ask someone in our Standards & Practices department. It's different every time.

Do you believe anything (music, shows, films, paintings, fashion, etc.) can be an "instant" classic or must everything be reevaluated at some point in the future?

I think something can only be a "classic" after some time passes...
Liked by: Chance

What do you think of the new Yung Lean album? I feel like he's gotten a lot better since his last tape.

I love it, I think he's definitely improved. And Yung Gud is the GAWD.

In case you didn't know - you're a "Twitter troll" too. Most of us are. We don't communicate like that in real life, face-to-face. Not criticizing you, it's just how life is - WEIRD.

Ha sorry you think so but a "troll" is someone who enjoys fucking with people they don't know. I don't do that. I complain about shit I don't like, like anyone does in their feed sometimes, but I don't call people out or reach out to tell them they suck. If you don't see the difference there, I don't know what to tell you. (Shrugs)
Liked by: Sldy93

A while while back, you said your favorite Janet Jackson album was Rhythm Nation 1814. Are you fan of Janet in general or could you take her or leave her?

Andrew Abbensett
I could take or leave her, really.

Any thoughts on Destiny?

I believe I've already answered this question at some point last week, so scroll down and you should find it. Long story short: solid, not amazing.

Can you describe your first expereince with Madvillainy?

I bought it the day it came out, had been following Madlib since the Lootpack record. Had known who his was since Alkaholiks. I had been a DOOM fan since... Man, since KMD! So I was excited about the record. Bought the CD, threw it in and was blown away. I was working with Stones Throw, DOOM and Madlib less than a year later. Changed my life, no joke.

Samsung makes a big phone and its the most unsightly, ridiculous and cumbersome device ever. Apple makes a big phone and its a exciting, revolutionary and hand-friendly. This is why everyone hates hipsters.

a) why are you telling me this? This is my ASK. You don't have a question. b) "hipster" is a bullshit word that means nothing, only lazy people use it. c) I don't disagree. I think both Samsung's dumb giant phone is ridiculous, and I think the dumb giant iPhone 6 is ridiculous. I want my phone BETTER not bigger.


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