
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you think that special features will ever become available on streaming platforms? I completely understand the thinking behind keeping them as special bonuses for the die-hard DVD-buyers, but as streaming further becomes "the norm," could they crossover (possibly exclusively tied to Netflix, etc.

I frankly hope they don't.

Do you have a favorite movie director?

My favorite directors: The Coens, Scorsese, Kubrick, Jean-Pierre Mellville, Antonioni, P.T. Anderson, Miyazaki, John Carpenter, Coppola's first five films. There are many others who's work I admire but those are my favs. Nobody really unusual in there.
Liked by: Matthew

Seeing as how you like Twin Peaks so much have you played or heard of Deadly Premonition? Alot of people say it pretty much ripped off TP in a bunch of aspects, but is still a really good story and characters behind it. If youre interested get the PS3 Directors Cut version, it tells the story better

Never played it, I did hear it was a ripoff.

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Me and a friend just started a book club. We have a years worth of books planned out to read, do you have any books you would suggest we give a try?

The Painter by Peter Heller!

Do you think theres a double standard for men who have leaked nudes over women?

I don't recall ever having heard about a leaked male nude.

What is up with people and taking nude photos of themselves?

I dunno, but I DO know it's their business and no one else's, right?

Hes not talking about Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" hes talking about the Mel Gibson film from 2004. Mel Gibsons film was vastly superior but then again Willem Dafoe was great in Scorseses film

Oh jeez you're right! Reading comprehension fail on my part. I did not see the Mel Gibson movie, nor will I be seeing it.

How is the UK different from the US?

Sooo many ways. The people, the food, the VIBE- it's honestly so different I can barely explain it.

ZURNTUN WAS GOOD! But one of the ending of the shorts where cupcake turd tries to help the main hero scared me. Especially Cupcake Turds face at the end with the [as] logo and scream.

Haha glad you liked it!

Do you think Kanye is one of the best live performers?

He's a good live show, and he's gotten better and better over the years. One of the BEST, though? Nah.

What happened when Toonami appeared on Kids WB? Were you or any of the team at the time involved? And who's decision was it?

I'm not sure what the thinking was there. No, no one on our team was involved, we were just told it was happening. We weren't happy. I believe it came from Jamie Kellner but I'm honestly not sure! I'm just surprised it lasted as long as it did.

How did your "DJ Clarknova" moniker come about?

For a long time I've used the name "CLARKNOVA" online, which is the name of the typewriter from William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch. When it came time to create a DJ name, it was only natural.

Strangest thing ever I was reading your ask and Dont stop believing came on the radio. You must be a Wizard.

****LICH LAUGH****

My girlfriend of four years is an impulsive buyer and we can no longer afford it. Over the last 4 years she has bought many shoes, bags,clothes She bought instruments she cant play and even a gumball mmachine. My house is stacked. I love her and I dont think she does it on purpose. Any advice?

Well if you really love her, the only respectful thing to do is sit down with her and have an honest conversation about what you think is going on, and hear her perspective. Maybe she doesn't think it's a problem, or maybe it actually ISN'T, you know what I mean? Spending $$$ and what to spend it on is a tricky thing to navigate as a couple because everyone has a different idea of what they want/need. I'd suggest talking about it and seeing if a middle ground can be reached. Good luck.

Basically, I was mocking the people who thought Zurtrun would drive away viewers. Annoying Amazon ads are more likely to drive away viewers than humorousshorts, and the people who fail to realize that are idiots.

Ah! Got it!

New episodes of American Dad are going to air on TBS instead of Fox now. Do you know if they'll still air new episodes on AS too? Figures you work for AS so you might know.

They will premiere on AS at the same time, I believe...

Have u ever been to the UK?

Ive been to London and the surrounding area, I was there when I put together the [unclassified] compilation.

The incredibly short and funny Zurtrun shorts scared everyone off! Stick with the stupid Amazon Fire commercials with the kids everyone wants to kill.

Sorry, I'm missing what you're trying to do/say here?
Liked by: Chance

I really need to get rolling on finishing Twin Peaks, cuz some of your tweets have been spoilery! Not that I feel I can fault you on talking about a show that old.

Yeah I mean... y'know... it's 25 years old! hahahaha


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