
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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You've retweeted a lot of people complaining about the aspect ratio for every simpsons ever and I'm not sure where you stand on that. Do you agree with them or not?

I agree with them. I also know that it's probably out of the FXX's programming guys' hands, and due to some technical/broadcast stuff they can't control (shoot, it happens to us!). Still, I think it's crazy to spend almost a billion dollars to make a Simpsons marathon happen AND NOT GET THE ASPECT RATIO RIGHT.
Liked by: Michael Warming

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What is with people's obsession with full openings? I like a good opening as much as the next guy but if I really want to see it I'll just YouTube it

I wish I knew. I feel the same way.

How is it that Ariana Grande went from being on a nickelodeon tween sitcom to having a #1 pop album ?

Well, she has been pushed as a singer for years and years. First at Disney, then at Nick on "Victorious," then on "Sam & Kat" or whatever that show was. By the time she had her first hit song the machine had been pushing her for some time.

How is it that a show like the Hawaii 5-0 remake on CBS has much success, but the remakes of other old shows gets cancelled before it starts?

Wish I knew.

What did you think of The Critic, one of Fox's mostly forgotten animated shows?

I loved The Critic! Best thing Jon Lovitz ever did.
Liked by: Duelist

What do you think is 5 animes that people should watch when first getting into anime, that best showcase it?

Really, that would be entirely dependent upon the person I'm talking to and would require me to know them to suggest the right shows. The beautiful thing about anime is that there's something for everyone!

Couple of things to add to that question too: 1. How much time do you think that FXX has left? 2. How much do you think this little overhyping marathon marketing stunt has cost FOX so far?

1. I think FOX is in it for the long haul and FXX isn't going anywhere. It may operate in the red for years, but eventually it will be in the black. 2. 750MM for the Simpsons acquisition alone, plus at least a 5-10 MM marketing campaign, plus the app, etc etc... approaching a Billion dollars.

I'm absolutely enjoying all the retweets on that hating that shitty Simpsons marathon,( and no that's not sarcasm), because of the fact that an almost two year tv network has to rely on replaying episodes of a show no has given a shit about since 1999 just for pity ratings.

That's pretty much how I feel. The Simpsons was a near perfect show at its best, but it hasn't been at its best in over a decade. The marathon hype is due to a multi-million dollar marketing campaign; the only point of which (along with paying for the show itself) is to create viewership for FXX, a network has which has struggled because it has no reason to exist beyond Fox overlords deciding they needed more money. I find that kinda gross, personally. All that said, it's not that serious and I'm glad people are enjoying revisiting Simpsons eps... although they could do that ANY TIME, of course!

How come Cartoon Network/Adult Swim only one have commercial break between shows?

Because we choose to. By only having one, we are actually not making as much money as we could, btw.
Liked by: Alex J

Are you going to play hellsing ultimate uncut with no blurs or gore edits?

Go to toonami.tumblr.com and read the announcement, we talked about it there.

New shows at 3 to 3:30 is this for real?

I don't understand the question. You mean are we lying about our own announcement? Uh... No.

I have a friend who thinks Evangelion is "pretentious and whiny". As someone who saw it when it first came out, what were your first impressions of it, and have they changed since?

I loved it right away, but I have a high tolerance for non-linear/"symbolic" storytelling. I think some people get frustrated by the lack of a clean, logical plot progression in that show, but I don't think that's at all what Anno cares about. I don't think Eva is "pretentious," it's just try to do something different with the giant robot genre. It's certainly not for everyone, but Eva works on about ten different levels at once (not always successfully, btw), and in sheer terms of ambition I have to love it for that. Your friend doesn't have to like it, but it's a classic for a very good reason.

How can I cope with having no friends? No one talks to me and I feel so alone.

Well I'm sorry you feel so alone. There are plenty of places to meet people online and IRL, have you thought about joining a club or some sort of intramural sports activity, or community service group? Those are great ways to meet people. Or just, you know, go out! You'll meet someone soon enough!
Being alone can be hard, the thing to do is know that just because you're alone it does NOT mean that you are worthless. You are still a person with value that someone out there would love to know! You just have to keep pursuing your interests and putting yourself out there, and I promise, you'll meet some people! Good luck!

A fan of Taylor Swift at all?

I don't dislike her but I'm not really a "fan." Thanks to my daughter I know her music very well, though!


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