
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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When did Spongebob Squarepants go downhill?

Hm I don't know enough about the show's production to know WHY, but I'd say around season six. That was the last really good season to me.

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I just saw the subtitled North Korean animated bump during Toonami. That was fantastic. People can say whatever they want about AS, but no one can accuse you guys of not being unique.

Schmullus (Logan)
Ha thanks! Fun fact: that was from David O'Reilly, creator of the game "Mountain" and the videogame efx from HER.

Ever catch Tron: Uprising? Considering you sorta-kinda love in the action toon realm, any thoughts on how that went for Disney XD?

Yeah I liked it. Disney sucks so yeah of course they blew promoting it.
Liked by: Schmullus (Logan)

Wait, so from your Gurren Lagann answer, does that mean you're going to cut stuff from TTGL? Or am I reading it wrong?

I can't make it any clearer for you, so I'm not sure what you want from me here

I understand you're not a Marvel fan and weren't too big on Guardians of the Galaxy initally, but what prompted you to end up seeing the film?

I've been a fan of Rocket Raccoon since his four issue limited series in 1985. There was zero chance I wouldn't see a movie with him in it!

Is Gurren Lagann going to be uncut?

As always, it would only be edited if any scenes fell outside what might be allowed on our network. Otherwise, no.

Back when you were working on toonami during its first run, did you ever have to look at places like toon zone or other forums for peoples thoughts and reactions?

Once in a very great while, sure.

Do you think GL:TAS and Beware The Batman was unfairly dismissed by viewers due to the fact that they are CG? Were there those types of anti-CG folks back when y'all aired Reboot or are they a product of recent times?

Hm I dunno, that's possible but it's not like there aren't other CGI shows that are doing fine. I think it has more to do with them being action shows, which is now becoming a dying genre.

Have you watched MadTv before? Because I seen "Mad" on Cartoon Network and it looked like it didn't stem from the FOX show.

Uh you know there's a "Mad" Magazine right? And that's where both the Fox show and the cartoon come from? And no, otherwise they have nothing to do with one another.

Just an fyi, the Toonami.com description reads "Unleash a tidal wave of epic anime adventure, video games and more every Saturday from Midnight to 6a on Toonami." You guys start at 11:30 now and while "epic anime adventure" isn't exactly incorrect it does kinda make it sound like an anime block..

Haha good point, we didn't write that so we'll take a look. Thanks for the heads up.

You didn't mention Herzog's GRIZZLY MAN. That's pretty great too.

I mentioned the documentaries would be a good place to start. Soooo

over 2 million disciples for Black Jesus! I'd like to think it was all because of the promos. :D

Ha me too!

The Shmoney Dance is the reason people still use the N word when referring to black people. Remember when NY rap was deep and philosophical?

I don't think that's true. I also think NYC rap was not always "conscious" or whatever either. I'm just tired of ppl talking about it.
Liked by: Michael Warming

What do you think of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon on Disney XD (I personally think it's crap and still mad that they didn't continue Spectacular Spider-Man

Not a fan.

I've never seen any of Werner Herzog's movies but I'm interested in seeing some. Since I recall you saying your a fan what would you recommend staring off with and going from there? Is the blu ray collection that just came out a good place to start?

That boxed set is a great place to start. I'd say start with his documentaries, or perhaps FITZCARRALDO or AGUIRRE, THE WRATH OF GOD. Beware though- they are weird, weird weird and DARK. For a more recent, palatable Herzog, you could do RESCUE DAWN or THE BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS, which us truly bananas. Good luck!
Liked by: Sldy93

Is there a difference between something being overrated and over hyped?

Not that I can tell. Just two different ways of saying the same thing.


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