
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Did I happen to catch the very last second of the new animated [as] bumps you mentioned recently? Didn't expect those to hit the air so quick.

They all went up on Friday. You'll be seeing a lot of them! You can watch them all at Adultswim.com starting tomorrow, I think.

Do you have any favorite comedians? Mitch Hedberg maybe?

Louis CK has been my favorite for years. I'm not a big comedy buff but I love Chapelle, Katt Williams, Mitch Hedberg, Steven Wright, Eddie Izzard, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Red Foxx, etc etc. The people
Everyone like!
Liked by: Brad Smith Duelist

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You dislike both Oasis and Blur. What about Suede?

Don't like them either. Of you're looking for a group from that era, I liked Pulp.

Asking the viewers do decide what direction to go in is pointless when they don't support Toonami.

Oh, relax. We're fine and plenty of people are supporting us!

Ever heard of NehruvianDOOM? This guy has a ton of potential considering he is only like 17.

I'm not super into him tbh. We'll see how he develops.

when we write you guys our letters, do you want us to tell you what we'd ideally like Toonami to be? Or should I be realistic? I have a lot of ideas and dreams for Toonami, but most of them are gigantic risks.

Be realistic please!

Did you guys really co-fund GITS 2nd GiG? [as] isn't in the show's credits.

Yes, we were a part of the production committee. FYI: all co-pros don't always list themselves as such in the credits. We were more of a funding partner really, we were not given (and did not ask for) input into the content of the show.
Liked by: Matthew

"THE SKY IS FALLING!!", that made my day! Is that an Ed, Edd n Eddy reference and what did you think of the show?

That's a reference to the old fairy tale of Chicken Little. I was never an Eds fan, sorry.

did you go see battle of gods? I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and the theater was packed and it got huge applause afterward and during the movie at certain parts. this series is universally loved forever man. thank you for putting it back on TV

No not yet, been for busy. Really want to though!

Does that guy not know what a hipster is? I guess, to be fair, no one does since it's such a nebulous term now.

It's a garbage word that means nothing these days, you're totally right.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

"I'll probably see it eventually, but I'm not in any rush. There are enough Marvel fanboys filling their coffers, they don't need my money" This should be in the dictionary for an example of hipster

Put your own message in the dictionary next to "anonymous troll," you waste of space.

Do you have a problem with short songs/albums? The new Rustie & SBTRKT albums have way too many really short tracks. I know you're gonna say it's the quality that matters, but still pisses me off.

Yeah I don't care about length, you're right. One of my favorite tracks of all time and the one I walked down the aisle at my wedding to, is only 43 seconds long!

Would you and the toonami crew be open to the idea of being guest speakers at an Atlanta-based University?


The media is calling Black Jesus "Offensive". From what you watched, is it?

Not sure what "media" you're referring to, but it's not offensive to me at all. Your mileage may vary.

What makes FLCL so gosh darn good?

SO many things. Great characters, gorgeous animation, adventurous/absurdist plot lines, but mostly ATTENTION TO MINUTE DETAILS. It's some of the best animators in the world just opening their brains and flying free. Perfection.

If someone threw a tub of water on you and you became a girl how would you react?

I don't want to be a girl, I like being me, but hell maybe jt would be fun!


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