
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What do you think is the point of life?

There is no point to life, nor does there need to be, but I operate by the general principle that one should do good by people and help as much as possible; and in return should hope for a little help from the people who care about you back.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

Do you have a favorite youtube video game player and if so, who?

I think that's sort of a generational thing. I would never watch someone else play a game, I'd just play it myself.
Liked by: Andy West

Do you get free copies of Adventure Time, Space Dandy, Robot Chicken, or any other examples of CN/[as]/Toonami shows?

No, but I can get the files and view them whenever I like!
Liked by: BlooMac Vaskov

your thoughts on death grips breaking up?

It's sad but all of those dudes are talented and I'm sure they will all end up in other bands. I wish em luck.

What are some of your favorite adventure films?

Dunno what you mean by "adventure films" but I guess RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK has to be number one? I've always had a soft spot for ROMANCING THE STONE, too.

Why we going back to Iraq to fight when we just left? Something ain't right.

I don't know man, I don't talk politics on here.

This might be a difficult question, but what are your favorite animes?

I've already answered that question a bunch of times, sorry. Dig around on here or the Internet, you'll find it.

Opinions on Once More Round the Sun by Mastoodon? (if you've heard it).

I really like it. Dig it a lot more than their last one.

Sometimes I tear up because something hits me as being "just so awesome". Do you think that's weird?

Nah. Not at all. Like what you like, and let yourself feel great about it!
Liked by: Duelist

I can't get a job because of my prior criminal history, advice?

Man I don't have too much advice I can give you, I"m sorry! Not sure what your criminal history is, but there are a lot of jobs like bar tending etc that might not care too much, and are places you can make a decent living wage while you get some distance from your conviction. I know it's got to be hard as hell, but all I can say is if you could beat jail, you can definitely beat a damn job, right??

What motivates you to work on Toonami without pay?

Honestly, the fans. They get so much out of it, and we love making it, it's just worth the effort and toil. Hope you agree.

Did you slightly edit the sniper scene in the recent Black Lagoon? I might have noticed some blur in one particular moment, it was a blink and you'll miss it deal, but I could've sworn I saw some blurring at one part. Or maybe Im seeing things.


Jason, I've been meaning to ask you, any of the music from the Adult Swim Singles program, is anybody aloud to use them in a YouTube video, as long as credit is given, and you are not trying to make money off of it? I want to use "Giorgio's Theme", but I want to make sure that it's safe to do so.

DJUmbreon’s Profile PhotoCJ Joseph Addison Cassel
Sorry, that sort of this is not really allowed. I can't give you permission.

Do you care for Trophies and Achievements in games?

Depends on the game. If an achievement looks like it's fun to get and I really love the game, I'll do it. For instance I got every single achievement Skyrim. But I'm not usually a completist.

Any quick thoughts on: Niggas on the Moon, Neon Icon and Ultraviolence?

Andrew Abbensett
1. Disappointing but a couple good songs. 2. VERY disappointing, a total mess that tries to please everyone and fails to please fans of RIFF RAFF. 3. Glory.


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