
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Would you be interested in playing a new BLOOD DRAGON game if they made one?

Of course! Loved the first one.

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As a follow up to my previous door-holding no-win situation question, would you maybe agree the solution is automatic doors everywhere? Only half-joking, since it WOULD eliminate the need to hold a door for someone, and it'll open just fine for the person that doesn't want the door held.

Automatic doors everywhere!!!

You said something on Twitter about someone perhaps NOT wanting the door held for them. With a good % of people that expect the door held and would think you're a jerk for not doing it, and then the set that thinks you're a jerk for doing it, is this just a no-win for the potential door-holder?

Haha I think most like the door being held for them, I'm just an anti-social jerk.

Is Cowboy Bebop THE most annoying anime? Like everytime it goes off air, it comes back like 6 months later. Fuck off

Haha another anonymous coward reaches out to whine into the void, unloved, unheard, unheralded. Unlike Bebop. :)

Dude wtf south beach tow isnt the slightest true

Huh? Is this a troll or do you actually think I give a shit about South Beach Tow?

Would you ever consider voicing the Lich King in future Adventure Time eps?

Haha over RON PERLMAN?? Nah, they have the best man for that job already.

are you a fan of teasers ? because if done right they can be cool like the zelda teaser today but the mass effect 4 teaser wasnt saying much about it ?

Not really a fan of videogame teasers.

So, which games out of E3 have you hyped so far? I saw you were happy about the Halo re-release collection, but has anything else grabbed your interest so far?

Schmullus1’s Profile PhotoSchmullus (Logan)
A whole bunch. I'm more interested in games like "Inside" from the makers of "Limbo," "No Man's Sky," and "Below." Of course, I'm psyched about Call of Duty, Halo, Destiny, GTA 5 hi-res, Last of Us remastered, Uncharted 4, Dragon Age III, Mass Effect 4, X, the new Assassin's Creed, The new Zelda game, the new Yoshi, that Mario Maker... like I said, a bunch!

What do you think of Girl Talk

I think he gives terrific live shows, and I enjoyed his first couple of mixes. I kinda got tired of the last one, though. At a certain point, I noticed the whole mix was at a meringue tempo, and as something to LISTEN to, it just got tiresome. I didn't care for his EP with Freeway, either, but it's a step in the right direction. He's taken being a DJ as far as it can go for him.

Does the current hairdo mean you've reached your final form?

Who knows? I may have another form yet.

How many different hairstyles have you experimented with over the years?

Not many. Had it long for a while, had a shaved head for a while, Ended where I am now.

Will there be an interview for every artist in the singles program this year or only selected artists?

There will be some other video content, but Giorgio was the only person we could afford to interview. Stay tuned!

What do you think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

I hated it. I hate the cutesy dialogue, the ugly cinematography, the bullshit fight choreography, the sub-par actors, I hate it. Not for me. In general, I am not a Joss Whedon fan and I cannot stand many 'Whedonites.'


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