
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I cant find the Toonami tumblr can you post a link of it? Thanks

Use Google, anon. Come on now.

does Joe Boyd work at turner anymore, and are you guys in touch with him at all?

He never worked at Turner, actually. And no, we haven't talked to Joe in many years.

Why do you prefer books over TV?

Because they're waaaaay better. The mind is the most powerful tool you have to conjure up worlds and situations. Books allow you to directly interface with your imagination.

Since you like Gundam and have built some Gunpla, do you play any of the games that come out?

Nah not really. They're usually not very good.

Are you bummed about Jose leaving the Toonami Faithful Podcast? He just announced he was leaving to work for CNN.

He told me! I'm sorry they won't have him, but I'm excited about his new job!

Got suspended for a day for going on your ask during school, advice?

Stop fucking with your phone during the day and pay attention in school! This ask ain't goin anywhere.

Best advice for getting through a hard period in life? (Health failing and lve been out of work)

When I'm going through a hard period, I tend to pull back inside myself a little bit, because I need all the energy I have. I try to find things to take my mind off of the problem, which for me is usually stuff like books. In addition, I try to spend some time with core friends and/or family that I know have my back and can put up with me when I'm not at my best. It'll pass, promise. Good luck.

Can you pass on a big thank you to whomever brought back the ADULT SWIM~ WATCH US OR DONT WE DONT CARE REVERSE PSYCHOLOGYYY~ thing Because it's basically my favorite thing

Andy West
Ha lll pass it on!
Liked by: Andrew Abbensett

I asked a question a while back about putting myself through college by myself and I wanted to say thank you, and that you putting yourself through college was an inspiration to me that I can do it also. Thanks.

Thanks for letting me know, happy to help in any way.

How much though goes into what tatoo you want to get?

Well in the case of the last one, it was a few years of looking for the right artist, a paid commission that took a couple of months for the design, and three months of getting it on my arm, not to mention a lot of money. So... A lot.

Have you ever wanted a tattoo and picked it out but at the last sec thought no?

No, I've picked most of my tattoos very carefully, especially as I've gotten older.


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