
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Are you planning on seeing Days of Future past anytime soon? I know you're a fan of X2, and with many saying that this is even better I'm assuming you would be interested.

AniNation’s Profile PhotoAni-Nation
nope, didn't like the last two X-Men movies, don't like Bryan Singer, don't care about superhero movies.

Serious question: Do you think something like a IGPX could become a real sport one day?

I don't know, but I'd sure love to see it!

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How do you deal with people like that?

Avoid them, be aware of their games, try not to play into them. Play a deeper game than they do.

why does it take so long for an artist or singer to release a new album what makes the process take so long?

It's totally different for every artist. Some bands make records in a week, some take months, some take years. Musicians work at the pace their creativity demands, really.

I wanna Get a degree in mass communication and Media Study, because I want to someday get involved in the tv industry. Do you think That is a viable option for this path?

Sure do. Good luck!

do you view yourself the way other view you?

Does anyone? I have no idea how others view me, don't really care either. (Shrug)

Have you watched any episodes of Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared?

Yeah I've seen em, they're great.
Liked by: jy

What would you be doing if you never met sean?

Good question. I have no idea. I'd be working in TV, but it probably would have taken a lot longer, and of course, I highly doubt I would have ended up at CN/Adult Swim.

I borrowed Ground Zeroes from a friend (because lol at paying for a $30 demo), and now I want to get into the series. So I was wondering, in your opinion, if the two games that came before Metal Gear Solid are worth playing. Does the gameplay hold up? Are they essential to the story?

I don't care about the Metal Gear "Story" at all, but the best two Metal Gear games are Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Why do all the crazy things happen in florida?

I don't know what you mean, but Florida is pretty weird for sure.

Would you say online dating is safe?

Sure, as safe as regular dating. It's all about how you approach it.

I know you dont like country but has there been a country song that got your attention in tge new age?

Not really.

What are your religious views?

Sorry, I don't talk politics or religion on here. I'm keeping that to myself.

What's the best way to approach clarifying yourself when words come out "the wrong way"?

Straight up. Own up to your mistake, apologize directly, and most importantly say what you WANTED to say directly (if you're allowed).
Liked by: ant

When you buy a game do you check it's game reviews?

If it's not a MUST own for me out of the gate- in other words, a sequel to a game I adore, a game from a publisher or creator I like- then I always read reviews.


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